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"Are you three insane! The mission was easy, and yet you managed to screw it up! Not only was an alarm triggered but there was a chase that the cleaning crew wasn't prepared for. All you three had to do was eliminate a man who was prostituting girls and selling drugs. So tell me who is to blame for this mess?" Park sneered.  The three glanced at each other this was the situation they tried to avoid. Park was their mentor and boss he was a tall, fit thirty-five, when he was angry he became a 5,000,000 on the anger scale.

Gamble spoke up," It was my fault Park. I thought the mission was too easy so I took matters into my own hands. I could do what I thought was necessary." Gamble looked down trying to avoid the cold glare Park was sporting.

"Well," Park barked," There has to be a reason for you doing that, what happened?" his vicious gaze moved to the two eldest.

"Gamble believed we didn't think he could do it. I got mad because of the rifle, and he thought he was doing the right thing but he didn't." King mumbled. King ran his calloused fingers through his nappy fro looking over at Blue who was looking straight ahead as she tinkered with her throwing knife in one hand

"Blue could have gotten hurt she was inside the building, I apologize Blue you know I would never do something to intentionally hurt you."

"It's fine Gamble, we are fine, just next time listen to at least one of us ok." Blue requested.

"Gamble, you are benched for two missions, you can head home, Blue and King you two stay." Park solemnly stated. Gamble nodded his head and walked out of the office.

"This better be good I wanted to finish this up so I could go to Sandy's." Blue hissed.

"Exactly, I'm sure I cricked my neck trying to save us today,"  replied King

"Hey both of you calm down, look I am proud of Gamble, he got rid of the target, was it by our standards no, but he did it and from what I know it was a pretty good headshot. His intentions were good but he is getting benched." Park dictated.

"And what exactly does this have to do with us?" Blue sighed growing agitated.

"Because aside from that, Blue that woman you killed is from BDWTA, and she has a daughter looking for you. Which means you need to eliminate her ASAP." Park explained.

"Hold up won't she need backup. She could get hurt Park." King rebuttal.

"I'll be fine, and since this mission is ASAP I need to go tonight I am assuming?" Blue sighed.

"Correct, now remember she is working with Baddies Don't Wait They Attack so be on high alert. The report on her is on your bed when you get home." Park announced.

"Well then let's get this over with." Blue rejoiced with fake enthusiasm.

Once King and Blue made it home Blue went to her room to pack for the mission. She was putting weapons in her bag when she heard a knock at her door.

"Come in," she shouted over her shoulder still doing her task.

"So, where are you heading?" Gamble questioned as he made his way into the massive room.

"Back at the mission one of the people I killed has a daughter that is after me." Blue admitted," So I am leaving tonight." Gamble could tell she didn't want to go but he knew that it had to be done.

"Well you always ace your missions so I am sure there is no issue," Gamble huffed out.

She sighed before speaking," I know what you're capable of. I know you know what you are doing. But what you have to realize is that when we do group missions we all have rules to follow. I get it you want to be your own person and your own boss but you can't do everything by yourself. One of these days you will be your own boss it just takes time. I love you though even though you and your brother make me want to kill you both ." Gamble nodded his head.

"I love you to is King angry?" he asked.

"He'll get over it besides it is Saturday and that's when he finds doting women, also when you gamble," she mentioned Gamble left her room, leaving her to pack. Gamble was just that a gamble with good intentions he has but sometimes consequences ensue whether he wants them to or not.


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