A Night of Fun

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Since tonight was poker night, King and Gamble dressed their black best. King had on black jeans, a black polo, with a black suit jacket, his afro was poofed out and somewhat nappy because he claimed the ladies loved naps. Gamble had on grey slacks, with a grey jacket over his black t-shirt, his hair was combed and set to his signature waves.

After getting a call from Blue saying she'd meet them, the boys headed To Sandy's Poker Shack aka Sandy's for short. On the outside it looked dreary and depressing on the however on the inside, though, it was bright and lively. They were tables for Blackjack, Russian Roulette, gambling, and pool tables. Just the type of place for teens who were forced into adulthood because of their job, and a place where teens could leave everything and everyone that disappointed them.

The boys were at a poker table trying to win five grand, well at least Gamble was. King was distracted by the women surrounding him.

"Ladies, ladies no need to fight, all of you can crowd without pushing," King spoke, making the women stop their pushing and giggle at King before they started touching his back and playing with his hair.

"King are you gonna go man, or what?" quizzed Jenkins who was getting irritated mostly because he was getting any female attention and because he was extremely jealous of both King and Gamble, but he kept that at bay because he had feelings for Blue.

"Calm your balls Jenkins we are at Sandy's, the hottest spot for agents like us we are here to have a good time. It isn't that serious." King responded nonchalantly.

"C'mon King it's serious when five G's are on the line, here." Jenkins pressed with a forced laugh.

"Ok, ok I have a royal flush, an  Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and a 10 all of the same suit can you beat that?" King replied putting the cards down.

Jenkins folded and slammed the cars on the table before storming off, causing everyone to laugh at his huge meltdown.

"Dang Jenkins no need to be a sore loser, it is just five thousand bucks." King laughed as he ran his finger through his hair," Well that was fun all right ladies I've had fun with you but the bar is calling my n-" King stopped and his line of sight fell onto the front of the room. Gamble followed King's eyes and rushed to the area.

King and Gamble are very protective over Blue. Any guy that has the nerve to breathe, talk, flirt, or even look at her they threaten or beat. So they figured they were going to have to kill Jenkins when he made a beeline towards their cousin.

Blue came to impress. She had on a pair of black skinny jeans, with a dark red tank top paired with a black and red plaid shirt, with her dreads reaching her shoulders.

"Well, Blue, I didn't know you were coming. You look beautiful by the way. Care if I am your personal escort tonight." Jenkins chimed biting his lower lip as his eyes raked over Blue's body as if she were a piece of meat.

"Aww, well thank you JK but my eyes are on my face, not my breasts." She stated not missing JK's lack of attention on her face.

"Jenk get away from her," Gamble growled.

"Or you can get dropped right here right now," King finished as the two brothers came to Blue's side.

"I am sure the magnificent lady is very capable of answering for herself," Jenkins challenged. Blue scoffed and walked towards a grinning Jenkins until they were kissing length away. Jenkins thought he was going to finally get Blue, but he was wrong. Instead, Blue grabbed his package tightly causing him to grimace and squirm.

Blue whispered in his ear, "The next time you look at me like you did just a minute ago, I won't hesitate to cut off your three and a half inches. Are we clear?" Jenkins nodded his head furiously and Blue released him causing him to stumble backward before he scurried off.

Blue turned to her cousins, "Listen when you guys do scare guys you scare the good ones and leave the bad ones to work on that will you?"

"We intend to scare em all off," Gamble commented as he and King walked back to the poker table.

"Jerks," Blue grumbled before heading to a pool table. The night went well for the three so far, King got a girls number, Gamble won five-hundred thousand dollars, and Blue continued to be the reigning champion of the pool table.

"Hey, Ricardo can I have gin on the rocks?" Blue questioned as she sat down with Gamble and King doing the same.

"I shall take a whiskey sour, "King stated.

"A beer for me," Gamble spoke.

"Wow, teens ordering like adults rough day?" Ricardo teased. Ricardo was their best friend he knew their story and their line of work. Because he did the same thing. Ricardo was seventeen and worked part-time at Sandy's when duties didn't call.

"Well, I had to go up against BDWTA a few hours ago. The girl, major rookie, looked like a prom queen," announced Blue as started to drink the beverage.

"I'm just tired I need a break so I can focus on the women," King reported glancing at a girl at the end of the bar," Speaking of women excuse me." King left them to go tend to the mystery lady.

"I just want challenges so I'm going to try to double my earnings," Gamble explained before heading to another round of poker. Ricardo turned Blue with a smirk.

"So how long we keeping us a secret?" Blue teased with a smile

"Until I feel like they aren't going to beat me to a bloody pulp." Ricardo quipped.

"So never," Blue acknowledged. Blue and Ricardo have been dating for about nine months in secret. Only because Ricardo was scared of her honorary brothers.

"Not never but later rather than sooner," he promised.

"Ok, oh, and come by tonight," she replied.

"After I beat up JK sure." he proposed. Blue rolled her eyes, grabbed her drink, and headed to the pool tales. The night ended with a King and the mystery girl exchanging numbers, Blue kicking butt in the pool games, and Gamble tripling his earnings. They had fun and after everything, they needed that.


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