chapter 4

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                      Anne's POV

The next day in volleyball tryouts we did alot of agility practice we lined up and ran down the line doing passes. The whole thing was tiring. After tryouts I gathered up my stuff and started walking. When I was out of the school and about half a block away a car pulls up beside me and starts driving really slow. I look over but to see the one and only Miss Morgan. "Where are you walking to?" She asked "Home." I blatantly stated too tired to care. "How far away is it?" She questioned "about 5 mile." I gawked "you cant qalk that far it will take you forever, get in." She said throughing her stuff to the back. "Are you sure?" I asked "yeah of course." The car ride only took about 15 minutes but in that 15 minutes a learned so much more about her. By looking though her CD's and her favorite radio stations I learned we had alot in common. We both had the same taste in music. "Can I ask you something?" I questioned cautiously. "Yeah sure fire away!" "Why aren't you married, your such a beautiful woman?" I asked "to be honest I've just never found the right person and I don't really dony know where im headed in that part of my life." She answered questioning her own answer "what do you mean by ""you dont know where you are headed in that part of your life"?" I was hoping to get out of her something along the lines of her sexuality is unknown to her or that she is bi. "Can I be completely honest with you?" She asked worried "of course." I say eagerly "there is this one person I like but I dont think they like me back and if they or anybody else found out I liked her then I could get in trouble."



im gonna change how I write the story a little bit, instead of going from Anne to ms. Morgan im only gonna change there POV'S  when needed.(Shoutout to my publisher, Kyler!)

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