chapter 6

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Miss. Morgan's POV

Oh my, what have I gotten myself into, I'm letting her kiss me. I need to stop this now, I could get fired, or even worse arrested. I can't do this, I mean of course I like her, but     I can't do this she is my student, it my job to make sure all of my students are safe.

I'm taking advantage of a child, I mean it's not like I'm using her though, I really like her. The worst part is that she is making me feel so good with what she is doing to me right now. She was currently kissing my neck which is my soft spot and a moan escapes  my lips. Dammit, I can't lead her on like this, It's not right.

"A... Anne... I... I.. C-Can't do th... this," I stutter out. she stopped with a sad look on her face. You are my student, I can't do this to you," I explain  "Do what?? I'm the one kissing you," she argued "I can't take advantage of you, and I can't have feelings for you, you are my student for god sake, This can't happen!" I exclaimed

"No stop. Do you like me?" she asked "I mean of course I do, how could I not..." I replied. "Then take a chance, please I know it's going to be hard, but I really like you, and I think we could be something special," she persuaded

"Alright, but if we ever even come close to getting caught, I get to call the shots about what happens after that." I stated "deal," she smiled. and she kissed me. Oh god did it feel good, her soft supple lips on mine.

I loved the feeling of having her in my arms, she was so soft and so beautiful. we feel down onto the coach and she was on top of me,  I flipped us over so I was on top of her now.  I kissed her sweetly, and pulled back and looked into her eyes, and I saw something beautiful, not just her want for me, but how she felt about me in the nonsexual way.

I dropped my head back down and continued the kiss. We finished kissing and decided to watch a movie, We watched Princess and the Frog. We ate popcorn and pizza and snuggled all night long.  I told her that I had to go to my place now, because I still had a lot to get done.

"Goodbye I will see you tomorrow morning, I'll pick you up and drive you to school," I explained while leaving. "Good night ," She replied. "Good night beautiful," I smiled.

The next day I went to her house around 7 to pick her up. She got in and kissed me on the cheek. "Hey beautiful!" I grinned "Hi," she blushed. Oh how beautiful she was, I couldn't believe it. 

"Drop me off here," she stated  when were a block away from school. "No it's okay, I've got tented windows, so as long as we don't get  out together it's okay, I'll drop you off at the front doors," I explained.

I dropped her off and went to go park in the teacher parking lot and walked in the door to my classroom. About 15 minutes later the bell rang for everybody to go to their first hours and Anne  walked  into my room an gave me a small smile and a quick wink, I smiled back at her but had to look away quick before start making accusations, even though they would be true, I didn't need that.

"Alright class take you seats, today we will be doing a lab, so partner up." I finished up. Everyone partnered up, Anne was with this tool named Steven, but why would I care she's mine and I know it. After school ended we had volley ball tryouts and I really only payed attention to Anne the whole time. She was amazing and very talented, it looked like she was a setter, she had good hands when it came to volleyball. At the end of tryouts today we knew who we wanted, we had a whole volleyball Varsity and JV team, of course Anne and her best friend both made Varsity. I was happy I was going to be spending a lot more time with Anne. This is going to be a great year and I know it, My whole life is going to change I can feel it. After tryouts we all headed home and I saw Anne walking again so I offered her a ride. On the way to her house we talked about volleyball and how the season was going to be I told her that it was going to be hard at the beginning with lots of conditioning, but she said it wouldn't be a problem, that she ran track and cross country. I was pretty impressed with her and told her we should go running together sometime and she said it sounded good. Once we got back to her house she invited me back inside and I said I could only stay a little while.

Inside her house we talked some more. "Where are your parents, why are you always home alone?" I asked.

"Well my parents died two months ago in a car crash, and the state said I was responsibly to live by myself, they just come and check up on me once every month to see how I'm doing." she explained

"Oh My God, I'm so sorry." I replied feeling awful for her. I would be devastated if my parents had died when I was her age.

"It's okay, It really is, they were never very good parents anyway. I never liked them they were mean and abusive and used me constantly." I exclaimed

"Again either way I'm sorry." I replied "I have to go now, but I'll see you tomorrow in school," I sighed. I kissed her sweetly before I turned away out the door and drove back to my house.

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