chapter 5

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She likes someone, who could it be? Also why would it get her in trouble, and with who? I really wan't her to like me, I think it's a possibility, but I think she is strait. Scratch that, no volleyball players are straight, at least none of the good ones. Since we were still in the car I decided to ask her another question.

"What would happen if somebody found out you liked this person?' I asked

"Well first off I could get fired, secondly I could go to jail... Wait why am I telling you this?" She asked "I shouldn't be saying anything to you especially you." She said

Why not me? Does she think i'm  a blabber mouth, that I tell everyone everything.

We finally arrived at my house, and nobody was home, both my parents work long hours and i'm an only child.

"This is your house?" She asked

"Why yes indeed." I replied

"I live right down the street! She exclaimed

"No way! would you like to come in?" I asked "since you are so close and you can basically walk home if you wanted to. Come on inside for a drink, and to talk and get to know each other."

"That sounds.. nice" She decided

I was so happy, the super hot volleyball coach was in my house, alone, WITH ME!!!!

OMG I just realized  that we were alone and I had not planned this far ahead.

"Would you like a drink?" I asked

"A water would be nice thank you." she replied

I went into the kitchen to grab her a water. When I walked back out with a water and a few types of snacks, I saw her snooping around.

"It will be easier to look for it, if I know what you're are looking for." I said

"I was just trying to find photos of you when you were a kid, there seem to be none around." she replied

"My family was never big on photo's and showcasing their daughter, I never got much praise and they never really took photos." I said

"Awe, I wish I could see you as a kid, i bet you were pretty adorable." She smiled

"I'm not gonna lie I was okay." I smirked

"I bet" She laughed

"Wan't to go up to my room?" I asked

"Uh. Yeah sure." she replied

I walked her up the hallway into my room. my room is really big, and has its own bathroom. There is a green sofa, and posters all over the wall, I have a Grey's Anatomy poster, and some rock posters.

"Wow your room is beautiful! I love Grey's Anatomy" She remarked

"Thanks I designed it myself, Grey's Anatomy is my favorite show by far!" I smiled at her, then she smiled back at me and I swear that I almost died, she is so beautiful, and She has the best smile I have ever seen!

I can't describe her, I mean I can but it wouldn't do her justice. She is tall, fit, smiley, funny, sarcastic, I can't even to begin to think about how much she effects me. The truth is i have never felt this strongly toward anyone before, at least not like this. I really like her, I feel like just even being friends with her gives me enough satisfactions. I mean of course I would date her, in a heartbeat if she gave me the chance.

In my room we sat and talked. I figured out that when she was a kid she lived in the north part of  Michigan, and she moved when she went to college here. In Michigan she grew up playing volleyball, and lots of other sports. She also loved science, she said that if her parents didn't always take her to the science museums that she probably wouldn't love science as much, and  she thanks her parents everyday for being the kind of parents to introduce  her to new fun things.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked. "yeah sure sounds great! What do you want to watch?' She replied "well first lets pick a genre. What is your favorite genre?" I smiled, I had a feeling what it was. "I like romantic comedies." she replied "Okay let me pull up Netflix." I said opening my laptop. "What about a lesbian movie?" She murmured quietly "Okay if that's what you want to watch." I wondered why she wanted to watch a lesbian movie. "How about the guest house? I asked What about like Blue is the Warmest Color?" she shyly asked "Yeah sure,of course if it whats you want to watch," I replied. I popped in the  movie and we cuddled together. When the sex scenes came on I cold tell she was getting aroused, and truth be told I was too. I decided to do something stupid. I got on top of her and bit her neck. "What are you doing Anne?" She asked. "Shh," I smiled. I bit her and kissed her and got a moan out of her and I was satisfied with that, but it looked like she wanted more. I stated to take off her shirt. "Anne I don't know if I can do this," she sighed. "Do you want to be with me? Am I the person you said you liked?" I asked. "Yes of course I want to be with you," she answered. "then trust me," I smirked.

You will have to keep reading to find out what happens next.... I had to leave a little cliff hanger

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