Guitar Man

32 2 0

Prince's pov

All alone in my room, I stare at the wall while trying to come up with a tune.
Jayla is still at Mulos, I have no clue what she is doing but its none of my business.
As I pluck each string the vibration of it makes a beautiful sound.

Moving my fingers amongst the board of the guitair, I feel a vibe start to occur. As kept moving my fingers across the strings, I fell into a deep trance of concentration.
I was really deep into the music until I was startled by my phone.

It was Diana. As usual no offense or anything but it was just predictable.
I pick up the phone it seems she wanted to facetime so I accepted the call.

As the phone started to focus more I could see that she was moving around alot and I guess she was doing her makeup or something.

"Hey how are you"

I just couldn't talk cause I was in such awe and gaze to speak. I notice alot about her.
Her brown eyes sparkle like the moon. Her fluffy hair looks as soft as pillow. Her lips plump and soft looking, her eyelashes long and beautiful.

Or I think those are her eyelashes I don't know but their still beautiful. After about 5 minutes or so of me looking her vibtrant voice woke me up.
"Um are you ok?"

"Yes my bad its just.....nothing"

"Well um are you at home or with Jayla" she said, rolling her eyes. Pondered, I ask her what if i was, shes just my friend.

"Oh please I've been down that road to many times for a man to sit here and tell me that a girl or woman in his life is just a friend"


"I dont care if we have been dating for a day, I demand loyalty and respect!!!!"

"Oh boo hoo you cant even stop drinking for us to even be in a relationship"

By that time I was fed up with her and needed a break. Breathing hard she hung up.
I didnt care she needs to stop her habit. I dont think I was wrong.

Was I ?

Alright so am making another story and I kniw what your thinking why would she make amother one if she can't update this one. I know ok so this story is about prince yet again and there one-shots so I thought that if one day after I update this one I could do a little fun shot of prince doing....stuff I think I might add smutt too I dont know but am excited 😁

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