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Artwork: Sayaknife
I never really saw why people shipped this and when I saw it, all I could do is wonder.
People ship this because of a
(Trigger warning to ouma)
Anyway people ship this because of a H U N C H
See check it out.

"I can ship Tenko and Rantaro. Tenko was purposefully given a silly and completely inane reason to hate guys, so her falling for the pretty boy who's actually one of the most calm and grounded characters of the franchise just adds a nice level of irony, plus even though her dislike did turn to actual hatred she still showed remorse at some times, there were small things in there which would make me legitimately want to see her overcome her misandry for growth.
I can even take it platonically if romance is too far, I just like the possibility being there since the game never gave a reason good enough to say "Tenko will never like any males" as she was easily used more for comedy up until when Angie started to gravitate towards Himiko, and I feel like a good chunk of people forget that."

I don't need to say this TENKO HATES GUYS! Sorry buds it's true and you're hunches
(Warning I'm going sound like ouma....e w)
Oh don't get me started on hunches! Where's your evidence? In order to create a true meaningful ship you need evidence and concrete evidence please.

Btw my definition of concrete evidence is:
Evidence that can't be broken no matter what just like concrete.

Anyway. The only evidence is unnecessary is when it's a crack ship like: Kiibouma,Saimami,Komahina 2
Things like that.
However this is NOT a crack ship rather something that make everyone die from cancer just like oumeno and saimatsu.
AND no oumeno definition! Oumeno doesn't help depression because I tried it and I'm still depressed as hell because not only am I still depressed, I have CANCER from looking at oumeno....honestly happy pill were better and if doctors are recommending oumeno each day then I think they want to kill me.

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