Why i think oumasai is better than saimatsu

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Artwork by potetoV3

Now reading the title you must think this is pretty biased however it is not and I'll be proving why oumasai is a Well more thought out ship then saimatsu.I will say though the opinion is completely biased, I cannot convince anyone that saimatsu is a down grade compared to oumasai.
Oh and trigger warning!!

Let's start off with the whole deal with saimatsu and if you don't know why saimatsu is a bad ship the please check that out because it's in this book somewhere.
Alright so,oumasai what's so good about it? Well for beginners ouma has an implied crush on saihara because in chapter 4 he states "when I like someone(saihara) I want them to notice me I'd even straggle them." But before let's clear up this line. Some people take the straggling part as he hates him despite he literally states earlier that he liked him, ouma liking saihara can be proven mostly by the way he acts around him, when it comes to teasing ouma is much more gentle with saihara while with himiko or kiibo he is completely rude and in fact it's more of bullying on kiibo's side. Ouma also tends to praise saihara especially in chapter 4 even when his praise isn't needed. I think he personally wasn't lying about liking him because first of all it would make sense why ouma would like saihara's personality and admiring his detective skills.
Ouma also casually call saihara "my beloved saihara chan" in the Japanese and he does do this with Amami but that was only once, with saihara it happened more than once. On ouma's whiteboard he labels saihara as trustworthy with a question following it. I think this parallels saihara. It seems ouma can't figure out saihara while saihara can't figure out ouma but anyway I think after this it is safe to assume ouma probably has some sort of liking or crush towards saihara.

. Yes, the ship is one sided however all ships are one sided besides maybe naegiri. I see people argue that one sided ships are bad however like I said most ships are one sided and you can make a lot more theories or interesting analysis about the ship whereas a two sided ship would be boring and nothing interesting would come out of it.
Alright let's finally talk about saihara, saihara is the person who mostly wants to figure ouma out. Maki,shinguji and hoshi don't care, Tsumugi, himiko,kaito,gonta,Iruma will assume ouma's actions and the rest want to stay away from ouma. Saihara wants to figure ouma out truly and doesn't assume or discard Ouma's possibilities.

Ouma and saihara also have an aesthetic.

Ouma and saihara also have an aesthetic

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As we know ouma has a checkered scarf while saihara has stripes on him

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As we know ouma has a checkered scarf while saihara has stripes on him. Checkers and stripes are parallel patterns. Ouma wears white while saihara wears black resembling monokuma, however the white side of monokuma is the good while black is evil, I think this is tell you that neither lies or the truth is bad or good and speaking of lies and truth! Ouma and saihara parallel each other with truth and lies meaning this ship is kind of a representation of Danganronpa v3 similar to komahina with Danganronpa 2. If you also look ouma and saihara have buttons and stripes on them

  If you also look ouma and saihara have buttons and stripes on them

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Saihara's theme color is a blue while Ouma's is a purple, purple and blue are a very good color palette along with ouma's eyes paralleling saihara's because yellow and purple parallel each other, and while they aren't the exact purple and yellow c...

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Saihara's theme color is a blue while Ouma's is a purple, purple and blue are a very good color palette along with ouma's eyes paralleling saihara's because yellow and purple parallel each other, and while they aren't the exact purple and yellow color they still go great together. Their hair even parallels each other! Ouma's is purple and it's sticking to the sauce while saihara's is blue and sticks down. Anyway one last aesthetic is that it is like a criminal and detective which honestly that's a kink and a very popular one.

Now let's discuss the love suite, ouma was the only one to not change saihara at all! The rest had some sort of out of character thing. Kaede did change saihara because they are dating in that love suite so yeah. Anyway I'd like to analysis the end of the love suite when ouma ran away. I have noticed that ouma tends to agree with saihara so seeing saihara telling ouma to stop had got his attention. I think his plan was to bang him or something but as soon as saihara said stop he didn't have a plan afterwards so he ran away instead. I think it's likely honestly.
Alright now what about when saihara said ouma was lonely?

He was just speaking the truth, I think it's saihara's way of saying that he has manipulated one of his friendship kill and get executed. He has removed all of his friends leaving him lonely. It's unfortunately true for ouma and if no one spoke it then maybe ouma wouldn't be aware of it.

if you already knew oumasai was a good ship then you can skip this.

Now let's look at saimatsu. First of all it's forced while oumasai isn't. Having a forced relationship is unhealthy while oumasai is actually one of the most healthy ouma ships!
Saimatsu is just lazily planned while oumasai has a whole aesthetic and it even represents the game.
Saihara and kaede's parallels with each other is ordinary and you basically see it every where whereas oumasai has more of a not forced in your face parallel and it's very calming.
Saimatsu has clashing colors and both don't look well together at all. Ouma and saihara have much more of a calming color scheme.

Overall comparing these ships oumasai gets the upper hand and at least it wasn't cliche like saimatsu.

My conclusion is oumasai is way better then saimatsu and I wanted to spread awareness about it.

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