Can I just have an opinion?

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                             I didn't think this was so serious I needed to make an announcement so

I've noticed not many are fond of my opinion on saimatsu and oumeno and soon to be Amacha. It's fine if you like any ships above because everyone has their opinions and I completely accept that!
I just like to explain why I dislike the ships and believe it or not I like hearing people's opinion on my chapters on this Kind of topic. It's not that I like arguing, in fact I'm quite sensitive to the "cyber bullying" topic so uh. If it felt like I was bullying you... well I just wanna apologize. I didn't mean any harm at all! I will never disrespect people because of their ship, it's not right to me! However people have judged me for disliking saimatsu despite I have a valid reason for disliking it!

I generally think saimatsu fans are nice and kind hearted beings however the fact I was judged so many times for just saying "I dislike saimatsu" is honestly ridiculous. It's got to the point where there is some one talking about my anti saimatsu content   claiming I'm "making the saimatsu fans feel bad" despite I've never made a saimatsu fan ever commit that. If I did make anyone feel ashamed for shipping saimatsu then I truly apologize! I do dislike the ship but I don't wanna force anyone to dislike it simply because I do.

I'd like to clarify that when I am correcting you I am simply telling you what I think, sure I can be quite biased such as the statement "oumasai is better than saimatsu" which although I do believe this I cannot convince this to anyone who doesn't want to believe it. I apologize if i had damage the way you look at yourself and if I did I feel really bad! Please don't be depressed from me because I am just a human that cannot control the mind of people!

Okay now let's get into my opinion kind of thing!

Can I just have an opinion on saimatsu that's negative? Like, some saimatsu fans are forcing to like the ship which is a waste of time! You saw I don't like saimatsu, it's just plain rude to try to change someone's opinion on something despite they put effort into preaching it! It's sick how saimatsu fans think they can get away with forcing people to ship saimatsu! I had this happen to me to many times! Of course not all saimatsu fans do this, most are nice however I hate the fact they attack me just because I dislike saimatsu. Oh and I wanna tell you, these saimatsu shippers just randomly comment on me despite me not doing anything to them.

I get it's insulting when someone is hating your ship however just ignore it, it's waste of time of changing their mind!

I know this chapter seemed useless however I just needed to get this off my chest. Yes, I ship oumasai and tenmiko however my appeal shouldn't be refined based off my ships!

The ultimate Completely wrong Danganronpa Ships(in my opinion)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant