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It's eight in the morning and Im up listening to music and cooking breakfast. The menu for breakfast consinst of: baccon, eggs, sauges,grits,and pancakes. Monte always be the one to get up late after I cook breakfast or while im cooking breakfast. "Good morning beautiful how are you feeling." Monte asked while walking into the kitchen. "Im feeling pretty good so far this morming no morning sickness." I say looking up from the stove. "Guess what we have a an appointment today to find out the gender of the baby.'' I said while fixing our plates. So do want to know the gender or do you want to have a gender reveal? He asked while pulling the chair from the table. We can find out the gender babe I dont want to wait any longer to find out what my little munchin is. Tina please hurry up you know your appoint is in twenty minute and it gonna take ten minutes to get there. "Monte yells out from the hallway." Were finally at the woman pavillion and we are gettting signed in and waiting to be called to the back.

Miss. Brown the nurse comes to the door and call out, yes thats me im ready come on Monte here goes nothing. Well Miss.Brown just lay back right here on the bed and we will get started "Nurse jill state as  she direct Tina." Your babe is growing just fine the beat is 143 thats good wait wait something isnt right . Are you pregnant with twins?" No ma'am im not they said it was only one when I asked. Well Miss.Brown im pretty sure I hear two heart beats going strong let me check to see if I see two or one. So far I see a little girl there she goes and im just going around looking and to my suprise there another babe and the sex of that babe is its a boy. Congrats your having twins, this is so shocking theres no way im caring two little humans inside of me I think to my self. "Tina say with a complete shock look on her face." The car ride home was completely silent due to the news we just found out concering our child well children.

Babe I have to know do you have twins in your family? "Monte asks as soon as we sit on the couch." Babe I honestly dont want to talk about it cause its hard for me to do so, But I'll talk cause theres something you need to know about it. "Tina says with a aggravated look on her face." Im a twin myself and I have twin brothers, my mom is a twin also. Thats why when we found out I was pregnant I was heart broking, I know I shouldnt be heart broking but I was. My twin is Samira she lives in maryland she moved down there with her boyfriend that treats like crap. She has two kids skylar and skylan, I havent seen them in two years. My twin brothers are Jayden and Kayden they live in california togther with their fiances. My mother is Kyra and her twin is Kylon. Our whole family consist of twins and I knew if i was to ever get pregnant this would happen. Do you have twins in your family babe? "She asked with a small grin on her face." Yes Baby I do My mom is a twin,and my dad is a twin and me and Jane is a twin. Wow this was bound to happen cause we both are twins and our parents are also. "She says with an at ease tone." Well now that we are about to become parent to our own twins we are going to love them more then anything in the wrold they both say at the same time.

It's about three days since we found out we were having twins of our own still no one knows but u, we have been thinking of ways to let everyone know the gender and that we having twins. We came up with the idea to have a gender reveal for everyone else to find the gender out. Well baby how are going to do the gender reveal and when are we going to do it baby? "Tina asked questioning Monte about the gender reveal." Im excited and ready to start baby then you will be able to meet my mom and sister and twin brothers its time that you meet them because you have met my dad already. But I have to let you know that my mom is a tad bit crazy, thats why I dont talk to her to often or see her like that. "She says with a worry look upon her face. BaBy it's fine I will be able to deal with it. Hold on babe my ring is ringing, '

Heart aches, ive had my shares of heart aches, but I'm still here
Trouble, I've had my share of troubles, but im still here
Bruises, I've taken my lumps and bruises, but im still here

Tina: Hello
Caller: Mrs. Brown
Tina: yes
Caller: This is the manager at mallories
Tina: Yes ma'am how may i help you
Caller: Well we looked over application that you put in and was wondering can you come in for an inerview in the morning at eight
Tina: Yes ma'am ill be there bright and early
Caller: Ok then Mrs.Brown Make sure you wear a white top and black pants
Tina: Yes ma'am

Who was that baby, "Monte asked while staring at with a slight grin on is face." That was the manger at mallories, she wants me to come in the morning at eight  for enterview. Wow congrats baby im proud of you for taking the next step to bettering your self and our lives.

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