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Flash back
Its been three weeks since all of the hurt and pain occured I laid my baby girl to rest a week ago. That was the hardest thing to do she waas my world my evreything and now half of that worl is gone Jayla looks so ,uch Kayla from evry inc of her is sister it makes it so much harder that she is gone. Tyric an I have finally started to heal a little not much just a little. We miss our baby girl so much, Tyric has yet to break down he has been so strong threw it all he have comfort me more then has comrtort his self. He has been in dazes to where I would have to shake extremely hard.My mom had reached out to me as well my father and other family and friends.I had shut down from the world just me and Jayla and Tyric would sit in the house all day. We have started planning the wedding and everything is coming together just fine.

Its now been five long months and its about that time for me and Tyric big day. I'm really excited and sad at the same time but of course I cant show the saddeness. Cara has pulled up baby ( I yell to Tyric) as im getting me and Jayla things to leave out the door. We will be back later baby call me if you need anything. Hey bihhhhhh about time youre on time (Cara says with a smirk on his face). Well I know this has to be done now because the wedding is exactly a week away. Time has really flew by and the date is apporching fast. (Cara says with a worried look on her face) Why do you have that worried look on your face? Well theres something I havent told you yet and only because you have been threw alot these four months, Well just tell me now because now Im scared. Tina I dont think Im going to fit in my dress because Im pregnant...... Bihh why didnt you tell me that Im going to have a niece or nephew that would have brought joy to my life after all I been threw. To be exact you will have a nephew and a niece they will be here in five months Im four and a half months pregnant. So that means you found around that time? Yes I found out the same day thats why I come by till the next day Im sorry I just didnt want to add more stress to you.Girl if you dont hush that aint no stress, I would have been over joyed girl youre my sister. Well enough about that lets go handle this business.Tyric is extremely lucky to have you in his life. Im hungry (Cara say to me while pointing at taco bell) you want to eat at taco bell? Yea we can I havent at taco bell in a while I have been craving tacos anyway. So now we have all that done and got us something to eat lets go back to my place I feel sick.

Tyric is sitting on the couch with his laptop in his lap, hey we home baby I dont feel good tho can I lay on youre legs? Yeah come on babe wait stay right there let meclose the laptop its a suprise that you cant see yet. Girl yall just ugh yall some love bugs and shhh(Cara states while laughing). Girll shut uo and sit yon pregnant butt down, Wait pregnant girl stop with yo thin mint self. (Tyric jokes with cara) Before cara sits down she lifts up her and there in front of her is a huge belly. Well there you go punk she says with a grin on her face. All of Tina throws up all over the floor, baby are you ok why did you just puke like that? I told you i dont feel good I think i have the flu or something. Gilr let me get a spirite to ease your stomach, as Im drinking the sprite its coming back up. Were going to the hospital yall come on here now we gotta go something isnt right.(Tyric yells with a scared look on his face). We headed to the hospital that hate with a passion Cara asks are you pregnant!!!!!!! I instantly put my head down because for the past two months I have missed my period but been saying its on all because Ive been tired. No she isnt pregnant why would you even say that Cara.Well for one cause she has neem craving tacos and she ate about six tacos. Baby we arent going to the hospital we going to walmart (Tyric states while focousing on the road) ok do you hear me. Ok I have someting to tell you ive been lying to you about my period I havent seen it in two months so yea its possible I am......Well the results shold be poping up any minute turn te tests over girl. Well well your test are positive girl this is a dream comes true.

Omg yalll didnt expect for Tina to actually be pregnant again after what happens that means Jayla is gonna be a big sister at the age six months well really a year old by the time the baby comes lol

Today is the wedding and I have so many emotions going on in my body right now, but one thing I must say Im filling out this wedding dress. Its time for the wedding to start and everything is looking beautiful. My comes in with tears in her eyes and says to me baby girl let me tell you somethung before you go......... Baby first of you are looking amzing and I want you to know that I love ypu more then anything in this world and lord knows wat i would do without you and grand daughter in my yes we have had our ups and downs but ive been clear of everything for almost six months and ypu have allowed me in yall life once again I cant loose yall no more today is you and Tyric day I want yall to enjoy it to the fullest and make me some more grand babies lol no seriously enjiy it to the fullest and be happy my beautiful baby girl now stop that crying and kets go get this party on the show your dad is waiting on you!!!!!!!!!!!

What would I do without your smart mouth drawing me in,and you kicking me out got my head spinning, no kidding, I cant oin you down
whats going on in that beautiful mind I;m on your maical mystery ride and im so dizzy, dont know what it me, but Ill be alrigh
my heads under water but im breathing fine youre crazy and im out of my mind

Cause all of me loves all of you

Everyon stand and turns toward the door as im coming in tears a falling so hard I cant control them, Baby girl you are you so beautiful (my whispers in my ear) thank you daddy. Now let us began theis beautiful matrimony between these two beautiful people. Before these two say they vowels do anyone abject to them getting married? No one says anything so we gone and get to the point of everything, these two has written they on vowels. Weve gotten married and now we are at the reciption dancing and enjoying ourselfs and then boom................ I hit the floor and passes out, Tina Tina Tina everyone screams is she ok is she ok. Back up and give her some air shes pregnant she needs air, The room came to a silence. Why is everyone standing there get mesome water she needs water, everyone is looking as if they seen a ghost. What did you just say Tyric? Tina is pregnant we was gonna tell everyone at the same time and this happen so there you have it. Time to go home so I can see to my wife now everyone get out please, and Im not trying to be rude but I have to take care of my family.

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