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Thank God my life is getting on the right track now that everything is calmed down and fixed between me and my sister Cara she hasnt been on drugs in a whole month. Kayla and Layla has been active with their and grandpa for the past month. The girls are now two months old they have gotten so big and beautiful. I still havent contacted they father because the last time I called his phone two months ago after everything happened, after I had them it didnt cross my mind to contact him threw facebook. My father have lasted longer then they gave him to live which is a blessing and im thankful for all the time he has been here with us. "Tina look Layla is rolling over and smiling." Ronie tells Tina with the biggest healthiest smile on his face. O my look at this she really is im proud of her they are so advanced for their age. Time has flew bye so fast I love being mom and big sister to Nylan he is an amazing little boy , Melanni has been over so much that she partically done moved in with us. I cant say that I dont enjoy having her and my little brother around because I do they are amzing and they keep my dad happy and thats all that matters to me.

No no no I just got a call from my boss saying I need to come ino work today. So I have to leave my girls and the rest of the family alone for eight long hours. But in order to keep my family fed and a roof over thier heads I have to work by all means being that im the only one working at the moment Cara is waiting on call back from the application she put in at the Kroger warehouse. Cara has been doing real since she has been back in my life she has giving me all the reasons to trust her asgain but im still not ready to give her my 100% trust back. Guys my boss just called and said I need to report to work today or im gonna loose my job. They all looked at me and said you have to do what have to do to feed the girls. Im thankful for guys and will you guys watch the girls for me I have to be at work in a hour? They all agreed to pitch in and watch the girls while I go to work. I start getting for a little early so I wouldnt have to rush and do it and so I can spend a little more time with Jayla and Kayla. "Well guys do you want me to bring food home tonight or are you guys gonna cook dinner?" I asked the family before leaving out the door. They all answer with the same answer we take care of it you have a good night at work.

The day at work has been going by quick and just fine, the las day I worked before having th girls and taking off to see to my dads needs it was hectic for cause my mind was all over the place but I held it togther. Im glad to be at work right now because its time I get back on track I gotta take care my family by any means necesary I cant sit around and not make money. Im on break now so I have to call and check the girls and the rest of the family. I have a message on facebook let me check this message right quick.

Message: Hey Tina how are doing I hope things are going well for you i see you have had the girls they are beautiful and so juicy. I would like to meet them and see you I really miss you so much and I still love you beyond the moon and stars baby please reply to my message dont just read it and not reply. I reakky miss you Tina and I want to see you and meet my daughter its bad enough I have missed thier birth and two months of my life. You cant tell me thier not mines they look just like me and I want to be apart of thier life please get back with me
                                                                        Love, Tyric

Well checking that message brought tears to my eyes I didnt think he knew. Well I have to deal with that later on right now im at on break and need to check on the girls and go back to work. The girls are good back to work I go, time has flew by and its time for to get off and head home. As im getting my things ready to go my co-worker Maxine comes and tell me theres this fine guy out here asking for me. I tell her to him ill be right there in a minute im gathering my things to head home. As I walked out I see the peerfct smile with the msot pearly white teeth,  I know that smile any where I see it my heart starts to pound instantly. "Hey what are you doing here?" I asksed nervous as ever. I had to see you baby I seen you read my message so I decided to come to job and suprise you. Here these are for you I remeber you like pink and red roses with chocolate turtle resses. Thank you you baby now lets get out of here and go home to our girls. As we ride to the house we chat a little bit and i catch him up on everything that has been happening since I had the girls. He was shocked at everything that has happen over these two months of the girls being here, especailly the fact that I have a sister that she did what she did to me.

We finally made it home and as soon as I walked threw the door with tyric on my arm everyone was looking confused. So I hsd to introduce everyone and tell them who he was but im ashamed of him at all and I know im doing the right thing about letting stay with and the girls. He is the love of my life the one I wanna soend the rest of my life with. He was my first everything so you guys will just have to except the fact he is here and gonns be here, I allowed you guys to stay in my home so he can stay to be apart of our lives.

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