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Being that I'm six months pregnant its hard to move around, and it hurts my legs and hips to move around or even lay down. Baby I think that I need to call the Dr and make an appointment ti see her casuse its very uncomfortable to move or anything. How long have this been going on? "He asked with a worry look on his fcae." Its been happening for about three weeks now, but im sure im doing fine and the babies are fine also. As I get ready to pick up my phone to call the Dr I feel liquid between my legs. Ahhh Ahhh Ahhh ouchhhh ouchhhh baby baby bay come here quick I need you now hurry up. I'm coming calm down baby geeesssshhhhh, wow what the hell happen to you get up off the floor baby. He says while trying to help her up off the floor. I think I just peed on myself baby or my water broke one I don't know which one it is but im soaked and my stomach hurts really bad. Well lets go to the hospital to get you seen about then lets go. On our way to the hospital I have another episode ahhhhh ahhhhh ahhhhh ouch, baby whats wrong why are scream and squizing my hand like that? "Monte asked looking at Tina scared not knowing whether to stop or keep going." Latrell keep fucking driving and speed the hell up im hurting I need see a Dr dam. We finally arived at the hospital and im rushed in and checked in im grunting and moving around, the nurses are trying calm me down.

Nurse: Mrs. Brown breath
Tina: I cant it hurts omg
Nurse: Breath in and everytime you have a pain
Tina: Ahhhhh ahhhhh ahhhh
Nurse: breath and your going to feel pressure im bout to check you to see if you have dialated
Tina: Ok the pain has stopped now
Nurse: Mrs. Brown How many months are you?
Tina: Six months
Nurse: Ok we need the Dr now your in labor and ten centimetrs time to push
Tina: O God help me ahhhhhh wheres cara and my mom
Nurse: Ok give me a good big hard push
TIna: Ok here we go
Nurse: Ok keeping going breath and give me another one
Tina: Ahhhhhhhh
Nurse There you go baby A is a girl
Tina: I gottta push
Nurse: Go head sweetie
Tina: Ahhhhhhh
Nurse: Good job baby B is A Girl
Tina: Wait what a girl its supposed to be a boy
Nurse: No its two girls

Jayla and Kayla was born July 18,2010 at 7:30 a.m. Im so glad this is over with thank God both of my baby girls are very healthy come to find out they had my due date wrong. They also had one of the genders wrong also but even tho it was a mix up im still happy with the out come most of my baby shower gifts were for a girl anyone. I know its weird but hey most of my guest new from the gender reveal something wasnt right. Jayla weighed 8 pounds 10ounces and 21 inches long. Kayla weighed 7 pounds and 10 ounces and 21 inches long. Im blessed to even have kids at all im going to love the girls with every thing in with every breath I take the girl are my main priority. Mrs.Brown congratulations on these two beautiful baby girls, your goinng to be a wonderful mother were going to take them to the nursery for a little bit while you get some rest." The nurse tell Tina while getting the babies ready to go the nursery." When they take the girls to the nursery I attempt to dose off to sleep and sudenly the door to my room flies open, the Dr and the nurses coming rushing in all at once. I sit up in the bed and look at the drs and before I could get a word out the dr starts talking, Mrs.Brown theres this ady thats svery upset and yelling and is demanding that she sees you right away. Bitch why didnt you tell me that my grandchildern where born today on you and your brother birthday. Mom what the hell are you doing here? "I asked my mother with angry in my tone." Thats not the point answer my dam question now.

What a way to celebrate my birthday and my kids birthday huh yeah. I never emagine having my babies on my birthday I was supposed to have a my birthday dinne and party tonight. It took security thirty minutes to get my mom calmed down and out of the hospital and into custody. Yes I pressed charges on her this time for disturbing the peace. After everything calms down I finally get some rest and goes to sleep. I slept for a hour and thrity minutes. Once I woke up the nurse comes in and check on me and tells me they are bringing the girls back in. Monte has come back from getting our food and Mrs. cambell is in the room talking about the birth certificates and the gir;s taking pictures in the hospital. Do you want to let them take hospital pictures or are we gonna do them our self? "I asked while holding the girls in my arms." Yes we are going to let them take pictures baby. Ok well les start getting them read for pictures then baby. The girls are ready and they are off to take pictures and they are going to turn out great.

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