Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

(Gally's POV)

"Gally! She's awake!"

I turn to see Newt and Ben running across the Glade towards me.

"She was there one second and gone the next. Just like absolute poof gone, like I didn't see her leave."

"Well, she can't be far. Let's try to get Alby to assemble a search party."

"Well, if I remember correctly, Alby didn't like the idea of a chick in the Glade." Ben cuts in.

Wow, sexist much?

"Maybe it would be better if just two of us went," I say.

"Ok. You and Newt go, I'll try to distract Alby for the time being." Ben says.

(Phoenix's POV)

I run past a group of three boys, completely unnoticed? Guess they can't catch a girl who's about a foot shorter than they are.

I then see a flash of neon blue and black against the surrounding forest.

Then I realize that someone has followed me.

"Who's there?" I ask in a shaky voice.

" Don't worry, it's just me. My name is Nikoliah, but you can call me Kol." The stranger says.

"Yeah, then why are your buddies trying to chase me now?"

"Truth is, they don't think there's ever been another girl...well until you came, that is.. Now, I don't really know why you were sent, but that makes you pretty bloody special," Kol replies.

"Special? Oh yeah, I'm in a place with what, sixty or so guys, and I'm the only girl? Uh huh, yep, that makes me special." I reply sarcastically.

"First of all, drop the sarcasm. Second, I'm only trying to help you, okay?" Kol says, now a little annoyed.

Then, all of a sudden, this kid with blonde hair and a white shirt on shows up telling Kol that this guy named Alby is looking for me and that he's coming right now.

"THERE YOU ARE!" this really tall black guy angrily bellowed. I guess this dude was Alby...?


"Hold on, Alby, okay?" Newt asks, out of breath from running.

"No one is hurting or ending anybody, alright...?" Gally intervenes.

"No?! Who is making that decision? You? Last time I checked, I was still the leader and I say who comes and who goes!" Alby replies.

"Well, maybe it's time for a replacement," Phoenix says sarcastically.

"Now I'm really gonna hurt ya!" Alby roars.

"Try me, big boy!" Phoenix challenges.

Alby charges towards Phoenix first but gets cut off by Ben. Alby literally picks Ben up and throws him into a nearby tree, knocking him out. For Alby to be about 6'6, it really is hard to win a fight against him, plus he is really well built. He is so close to Phoenix now. Finally, Kol stood in his way...

"Get. Out. Of. My. Way." Alby says, seething.

"Not till you calm down."

"So that's how it's going to be, is it? Well then, that's fine by me!"

"All of you STOP!" I was tired of seeing him plow his own guys down like they were nothing. "Your fight is with me, Alby. Keep it that way."

Alby laughs. "You have spirit, girl...I like that. Unfortunately, it still won't save you."

I smile. "Enough talk, jerk. Let's see if you just talk big or not."

I take the first swing at him, ducking under his arm easily. "Phoenix, are you insane?" Kol yells, but I give him no response.

Alby is fast, but I'm faster. I give him a few good punches, but his enormous size and brute force punches were really hard to keep up with. He finally got one good hit on me. It knocked the wind from my chest.

"You don't know when to quit, do you?" Alby taunted.

"You don't know when to shut up, do ya?" I mocked.

"I have had just about enough out of you-"


Kol had hit him with a pretty big tree branch that was on the ground. The force of Alby's head hitting the branch caused it to break in half!

"That is enough fighting!" Kol all but yelled.

"Says who, Greenie? All the girl's gonna do is get in the way." Alby growls.

"Then how come she's the one kicking your rear end, Alby? you've only landed one hit, she's landed fifteen."

That's when he spins around, swinging his arm at me. "I'm gonna end this."

Suddenly, a dagger flies out of nowhere, hitting Alby right in the shoulder.

"You aren't ending anything." 

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