Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

(Kol's POV)

Did Alby just- Phoenix then grabs the tree branch, landing a much needed, good, hard kick to his head. Not to mention her perfect landing, but...I mean, I don't think Alby's gonna be up much longer after that one.

"Good hit, P!" I yell.

"Did you just call me P?" She asks

"Thought that you needed a nickname besides chick," I explain.

Then, all of a sudden, Alby does something that escalates things very quickly...

"I am so done with you!" Alby bellows, grabbing her by the collar of her shirt and swinging her head against a huge rock.

"Phoenix!!" I yell.

"I'm alright! Just take Alby out!" She yells back.

She took the hit well, but I can see the stream of blood on the side of her head. "Yo, P... don't fight anymore. Just run away."

She shakes her head. "I can't do that, Nikoliah."

"Catch this!"

All of the Gladers turn to a smaller boy. "Chuck?!"

I get a look at just what the kid threw...a rock. "What the hell do you think that little pebble is gonna do to a huge dude like Alby?" Gally yells at him.

"I don't know, I just thought it would help." He says, innocently.

But that 'pebble' hits Alby right smack dab in the forehead, knocking him out as David did to Goliath.

"Good shot Chuck!" Phoenix cheers.

"Um, Gally, there is something that you should know..." I trail.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Phoenix was hurt when she fought Alby. I told her to stop fighting, but she wouldn't give up." I explain.

"How badly was she hurt? Was it when Alby threw her against the rock? I knew that something had happened!" He rambled on.

"She was bleeding on the side of her head. I hadn't had the chance to ask her about it because we were busy at the time."

"Is nobody going to even pay attention to the fact that he just got his ass kicked by a kid more than half his size?¨ Phoenix questioned.

"PHOENIX!" Gally and I exclaim.

"Why do you guys look like you two have seen a ghost?" She asks.

Gally and I glance at one another.

Something was definitely different about her. Not only did she have unusual flame-red hair, she just stood her ground against our leader...that takes a kind of bravery none of the other boys here have. They were all too scared because Alby was really a bully. He could literally walk into your tent, take whatever he wanted, and walk back out. No questions asked. He literally used his "status" as an excuse for doing whatever the hell he wanted.

Why is Gally acting all protective of Phoenix all of a sudden? Did he remember something?

"Hey, Gally! We need to talk. Come and find me later, okay?" I say as I leave.

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