Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

(3rd person POV)

Here stood Minho, angrier than ever! It was so tense, you could cut it with a knife.

Alby, Phoenix, Kol, and Minho all stood in a large circle, with Minho and the other two right behind him. Now, Alby was a big boy, no doubt about it, but he was mad and these three people attacking him were at a slight advantage. They outnumbered him, but he was tall. Where Phoenix had strength and speed, she was short.

Where Kol was resilient, he was cocky.

Where Minho was shorter and faster, he lacked brute strength.

As Alby thought this over, Phoenix reached him first. She gave him a swift kick to the stomach. Then, Minho arrived right after her and gave him a pretty good punch to the face. Finally, Kol had arrived to give Alby a swift, but strong uppercut to the chin. Alby was surprised. Then he got Phoenix off her feet and threw her into a tree, knocking her out for the time being. Kol reacted so angrily that he was just throwing punches. Alby quickly recovered from the punches and grabbed both of Kol's fists, kicks his leg, knocking him off balance. then punches him in the face, knocking him out.

"Why this obsession? Huh? What is so special about her that makes you hate her so much? Do you like her or something? It that it? Or is it the fact that she is a girl and you like one of the guys here, and you're jealous? How 'bout that one? I think that's the one." Minho interrogates.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!" Alby roared.

"Did I strike a nerve?"

"Oh, when I'm done, all you'll be is a pile of nerves for me to step on!"

Neither of them realized that the bodies that lay around them just seemingly disappeared.

"You're not going to hurt anyone! Especially not one of our friends!" Kol, Phoenix, Ben, Newt and Gally all said in semi-unison.

They all got ready for a big fight. Alby went straight for Ben, with him being the smallest, but just didn't stand a chance against three six foot tall dudes and a girl who's down to fight you any day.

(Gally's POV)

"Any idea how the hell we do this?"

It's so sudden that I take a step back in surprise. Who gave you permission to do your little magic telepathy thing anytime you want?

It takes her a minute, but she says something completely unexpected.

"You know I heard that, right? And it isn't magic...I don't really know how we can do this."

"You don't know?"

"This is really not the time for this, Gally..."

"What, you still want to take him on?"

"Are you asking for me to turn my back on these guys?"


"Well too bad," somehow she's able to put quite a bit of criticism into the words, "because we're going to fight him, and don't think I'm not willing to make you."

"I'd love to see you try."

All I get this time is an eye roll from her. "Good luck with that." She again dodges a blow from Alby almost effortlessly.

Or so I thought. He grabs her from behind, throwing her up into the air. Forget fighting him...what about using our surroundings, like we always have...?

What the chick does next would be the talk of the Glade for days- no, maybe weeks - to come. It's what started the end of all things good in this place, after all...

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