Chapter 2: Bad Girls Text For Booty Calls

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Back at the Hotel, After the Fox Show


Me, to Adam:  


I'm in Suite 52-A. 



No reply.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Why did I send Adam that text?

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.

I'm on my third mini-bar bottle, since I sent him that text twenty-five minutes ago.

I'm not sure if I'm drinking because I sent it, or because he hasn't answered.

I don't have to check my phone again to know he hasn't responded. I have it clutched in my hand. I would feel the alert.

I bet he's not answering because he's not alone. I'm sure he's with that girl he was flirting with after Trace got sucker-punched and sent back to the hotel.

This is all Trace's fault. He had to bring his high school sweetheart to this show. I haven't seen her in four years—not since she came down to a couple of practices in Athens the fall before we got signed. But seeing her made me think of our sophomore year in college.

Made me think of me and Adam back then.

The first "season" of me and Adam was the best. It lasted a long time--a year and a half. We were never really an official couple, but we were always together, constantly practicing and playing gigs around Athens, and there was no pressure back then to define anything. Back then he sometimes stayed over in my dorm room, and it wasn't awkward, like it became later. We were good friends and easy lovers, back then. Nobody has every made me laugh as much as Adam, back in the day.

He was so cute and sweet. And a little weird. He would say the most random things.The best part was...the better I got to know him, I realized they weren't random at all. They were just the tail end of his thoughts that he didn't speak out loud. And I got to know him so well that I could fill in the blanks with what he really meant. And I loved that—piecing together the puzzle that was Adam.

Then everything went to shit when we got to LA. Marcy got hold of him and schooled him to filter the things he said. I couldn't read him anymore. He got cool. And I...well...I got hot. Or hotter than I had been. Sex sells and every Soundcrush dude is sexy as hell, so I had to be sexy squared, to keep up with them. So Adam went sketch and I went slutty and we both got lots of attention. We started sleeping with other people.

Then one night, after we'd been in LA about four months, Adam had some kind of...come-to-Jesus moment or something. He showed up at my apartment, drunk off his ass.

He said he thought we should move in together because sleeping around in LA was going to tear us apart. I laughed at him. I honestly thought he was kidding. When I realized he was serious...I was speechless. I told him that could never happen. That we could never be more than casual, because it could jeopardize the band, and the band was bigger than us. He left, hurt and angry.

Just even thinking about that, I need another tiny bottle of tequila.

Shit. There is no more tequila. Well, there's a full bottle of champagne.

I've  just uncorked the champagne when I hear the knock at my door. 

I stick my eye to the peep hole.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Why did I send Adam that text?

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.

It's Adam. 

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