Chapter 9: How do you say Goodbye?

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Kim had shut off her phone and slept for hours in her own bed. She'd dreamt of awful things about Shannon. It went from drowning to seeing her in a fire, then being shot in cold blood. Waking up from these nightmares lead her to crying. A thought came to her and she needed to talk to Hego about it. 

The next day around noon she went back to GO Tower, but this time she called first. She didn't want to fight with anyone right now. Hego met her in the study. He was doing some research on an artifact he'd found. 

"You must really like it here." Hego smiled and sat down a cup of regular coffee in front of her. "Made it how you like it two scoops of sugar and a cap of vanilla butter cream. 

Kim liked all kinds of coffee, but Hego's was her favorite. "Living on my own is hard and can get lonely at times. Ron is there a lot though. That makes up for some of the alone time." Kim sipped the coffee and put the cup down. "I was thinking last night that Shannon needs some kind of a burial. Can we do that for her?" 

Kim saw the emotion sting his eyes. Hego gathered himself to say, "Let me get back to you on that. My family is going out of town later tonight for a Hero Conference in Boston. It's a three day trip." 

She sadly nodded. "Oh I haven't heard of that. I really haven't been paying attention to the Hero stuff lately." 


"It's fairly new and it's only been around for three years now." He lied, sort of. There in fact was a yearly get together for Hero's and their families. It just wasn't gonna be until later in the year. 

"We can talk about it now." Kim said and smiled warmly at him. 

Hego did not want to talk about any kind of a burial. "I really need to pack up soon." 

"I feel like you're pushing me away. I need you, Hego. I need your friendship right now. It's helping me get through this." Kim said and fought the urge to cry. 

Hego wanted to burst out and tell Kim everything, but he held back. "Please don't take it like that. As soon as we return we can talk about anything you'd like." 

Kim hit him with a hard question, "Hego, how do you say goodbye? I mean how do you let go of someone that you love." 

Hego sat across from her at the small table where a few books had Post-It notes in them for further reading. "That's different for everyone. Haven't you ever lost someone you were close to?" 

Kim nodded, "Of course I have, but this," She paused, "This is a different kind of love."


"I can't tell you that. You have to figure it out, Kim. Maybe don't use the term goodbye. You'll see her again someday." Hego tried not to confess what he knew. He stood and turned his back to her and went looking randomly at books. 

"Hego, I'm sorry I know this is very hard on you and your brothers." Kim took another sip of coffee then got her things. She lovingly touched his right arm to get his attention. "Have a nice trip and I'll see you soon." 

Kim arrived home to see Ron sitting at her front door. 

"Kim, can we talk?" He was helped up by Kim. "Please, tell Marissa you didn't mean what you said." 

Kim opened the door, but didn't let him in. "No. I am not sorry, Ron. Marissa and I are not meant to be friends. You love her that's great. Do I have to put up with the green eyed monster? No, I don't." 

Ron made a face. "Whaa . . . what do you mean by that?" 

"Ron! She's jealous of us. Our relationship, friendship, all of it. She still thinks I'm going to be Bisexual and steal you back." 

"That's crazy, K.P." Ron said loudly. 

Kim was close to shutting the door. "It's just how it is." 


Ron was surprised to see Kim shut the door in his face. He knew in his heart that she was right still he knocked on her door. "Kim, Marissa and I are going to be parents." 

Kim opened the door. "Did I hear you correctly?" She asked in shock. 

He laughed awkwardly, "Yeah, I'm going to be a dad." 

Kim hugged him and let him inside. "Wow, you're going to be a father. This is life changing for sure."  They sat on the couch together. "How far along is she?" 

Ron was beaming with joy. "Almost seven weeks! We went to the doctor a few days ago and got her test results today." 

Kim was feeling something between vomiting and crying. She was happy for him, but she still wasn't a fan of Marissa's. 

"Ron, I want to do something for Shannon. A burial, rememberance ceremony for her. Will you please come when I get it organized?" 

Ron felt her pain and sadness. A life was being created while another was taken away. (Or so they thought). 

"Yes, best friend! I will be there." He held out his arms and she went to rest in them for comfort. 


"Goodbye?" Shannon said and rubbed her hands over her face in frustration. 

"You're torturing the woman you love." Hego said, standing in her doorway. She'd moved back in yesterday. The room was in chaos, boxes and clothing were everywhere. 

I just want my neckalce back! She thought. How could she get it back without hurting Kim's feelings? 

"Shannon, I lied to her face. Do you know how much I hated doing that? This has to end. Tell her the truth or I swear I will tell her myself." Hego said and slapped the door with a hand. He almost put a dent in it. "You have three days and by the end of the third day I will tell her at sunset." 

Shannon laughed at him. "I know you like Disney movies. That sounds a lot like The Little Mermaid."

Hego did have a Disney obession he didn't want anyone knowing about. He laughed to himself. Shannon was right now that he was thinking about it. The part in the movie where Ursula tells Ariel she has three days to kiss the prince or be turned into a seaweed prisioner. 

"It's time, Shannon. Figure out how you want to tell Kim and admit everything." 

Shannon honestly said to him, "I'm scared to. I've never been scared of anything, ever. Verbally telling Kim how I feel scares the crap outta me." 

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