Chapter 6

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"I've got to confess. I don't know what the fuck to do." Greg pours his heart out to Alan, hoping he has some suggestions. He's careful to make sure the other elves don't hear him. "We're literally at a dead end."

"I was thinking the same thing. All I know is that if I were leading this task force, I'd be trying to think of something fast."

Greg sighs and goes back to his eggnog. Alan has been of no help. As he tries to think of something, anything, to do after they leave the bar, he hears Brick talking to the others.

"When Greg finds him, this wood is going right through his skull." The others cheer slightly.

Greg doesn't know what to make of this. On one hand, he now knows that everyone in his task force is confident in his leadership. All of them are sure that he will help them bring Santa's killer to justice. On the other hand, he still has no idea what they're doing when they're finished with their drinks.

"I wish we at least knew what this guy's motives were."

The elves nod in agreement with Gavin and try to offer suggestions.

"Maybe he's a serial killer." Bailey's words add little to the conversation.

"I bet he has something against Christmas. Or maybe against Santa himself." Drew could be onto something.

"What if he'd meant to go for Gordon?" Alan's words sting Greg, but he doubts they're true.

James is last to speak. "I think what we're dealing with here is a psychopath. I believe he may be killing just for the sake of killing. He could find it fun."

No matter the case, the elves look up at a breaking news alert on the bar's television. Greg orders the bartender to turn it up. He's about to get the answers as to the task force's next steps, but he's also about to regret hoping that there were indeed next steps.

The reporter leaves no time to wonder what is happening. She leads right into the story, and interestingly enough fear can be heard in her voice. "Thousands are dead throughout the East Coast."

The elves listen intently. They don't know that this has anything to do with the North Pole murders, but most of them bet that it does.

"Reports point in the direction of some sort of 'Christmas killer' murdering families. The first set of killings was reported out of Houlton, Maine. Incidents have slowly spread west with the most recent report coming out of Charleston, West Virginia."

Alan goes white in the face and puts down his drink. "We found our guy."

Greg doesn't know what to think as he keeps his gaze directed to the television.

"With murdering sequences headed west, families all over the nation are advised to take extreme caution. Consider this suspect armed and dangerous, and watch out."

All of the elves of the task force – and everyone else in the bar – remain silent as their gazes fail to fall away from the screen.

The testimony of one surviving child is given. "He was super scary. He was dressed in all red. He threatened me with a big knife." The child chokes up, barely keeping it together as he goes on. "He pointed at my dead parents and told me if I didn't keep my mouth shut I'd be joining them."

The members of the task force can't believe what they're hearing. This has quickly gone from a necessity to bring justice to a mission to save lives.

The testimony concludes with one final piece of information. "And on his face, there was a bloody Rudolph mask."

James' gaze doesn't turn away from the testimony as he realizes aloud, "So it's not a prize, it's a costume."

The other elves are silent, but noticeably scared as they resort to nail biting, leg shaking, and other nervous ticks. Greg looks them over, knowing he has to be the one to keep it together for the good of the team. He's obviously shaken up, too, but refuses to show it.

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