Chapter 10

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"I'm going to try and intercept some news reports. I can't get what's on TV, but the CB should pick up some radio signal."

"That's a good idea, Eric." Greg is almost proud of his men for the way they're handling the situation. Unfortunately, he's too busy imagining himself pulling out the killer's insides with his bare hands to be proud.

The elves listen as Eric starts to pull in some signal. Only short snippets of news reports are heard.

"Witness reports of a large man with a sadistic laugh."

"All of America hit by disaster... A good portion of the nation killed off."

"This man won't stop."

"Could he be supernatural?"

"Authorities are at a dead end."

"The whole world is in danger."

Greg shuts off the CB. "We've heard enough. This isn't helping morale, and it's not giving us any clues. Let's just get to Russia."

The other elves nod. They certainly weren't enjoying hearing about the killer's power. Instead, they prefer to lean back and keep on readying their weapons. This is really the only thing that keeps their nerves from getting the best of them.

Eric sees some land below in the distance. "There's the coast, boys, we're really close to our destinations. We're two time zones west of our last stop, and the killer could not have beaten us here. I hope you guys are ready."

Greg leans ahead. "In the woods, just like last time. We don't get caught, we get the job done. Same exact plan as last time, but a different result. Understood?"

Eric nods. He knows what must be done as he aims for a tree-filled region to his right.

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