Chapter 15

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Eric lands the sleigh right outside the prison fence. The task force marches out and heads over to the guards at the gate.

Greg wastes no time. "We need to talk to Frost."

The guards look alarmed as one of them responds. "No one talks to Frost but Santa. Santa's dead, no one talks to Frost."

Greg won't deal with any bullshit now. "You listen here. This is a matter of global safety. We need to talk to Frost right fucking now, and you two will not stop us. Now let us in, or we will use force."

"Sir, we're going to have to report you to the authorities if you don't step back." The guards raise their weapons.

The other elves back off, but Greg stands tall. "I am the authority. I was Santa's right-hand man, and with him gone, I'm in charge. Now step aside, open the gate, and let us the fuck in."

Finally, the guards understand. Both of them step aside as Greg and the others walk through the gate and head toward the prison entrance.

Upon stepping inside, they're greeted by another pair of guards looking upon them sternly.

"Only one."

"Excuse me?" Greg asks.

The guard repeats himself. "Only one. No more than one elf talking to Frost at a time. Santa's orders."

Greg is reluctant to follow the orders of an insane killer but doesn't wish to cause anymore trouble when someone should be talking to Frost right now.

He looks at James. "You're the tactician here. You're talking to Jack."

James looks back and disagrees. "Greg, you're in charge. I know you're nervous, but you know damn well there's only one of us that should be talking to Frost right now and it's you."

Greg doesn't want to be alone in a room with Jack Frost. He's seen firsthand what he can do.

He asks a guard for clarification. "He's restrained, right? His powers are useless, correct?"

The guards literally laugh in Greg's face. "Look, if you can't handle him..."

"Don't talk to me like that," Greg instantly cuts them off. "I've seen things tonight that would make you cry, vomit, or both. I guarantee it. But no, if he uses his powers, I can't handle him. That's the truth, and I'm not ashamed to admit it."

The guards get serious again. "Alright, here's the deal. He's behind six layers of bulletproof glass. None of his powers can affect anything on the other side of those walls. You'll be fine, just don't let him out."

Greg scoffs. What in the hell would possibly make him want to release another criminal on tonight of all nights? He's not the biggest fan of Christmas, but he doesn't hate it. And he certainly doesn't like what's being done to it already.

"Alright? Follow us this way."

Greg stops for a quick look at his men. They stand tall in support, and at this moment he finally feels a bit of pride in the task force he's put together. No matter how this night ends, he knows that these six men and himself, even his fallen comrades from the first attack, will have given everything they had to bring a killer to justice.

Jerry makes eye contact. "Greg, get the info we need. You're the best man to talk to him."

Greg agrees. He still doesn't want to be alone with a killer but knows it must be done. If his task force will have any sort of chance tonight, he has to gather intel from an expert. Reluctantly, he follows the guards.

The three elves walk down a long and winding hallway lined with bulletproof glass. Glass is the only thing Frost's magic can't penetrate, and Greg is awestruck by how inescapable they've made his prison. At least this is one killer no one will ever have to worry about again.

At the end of the hallway lies one final door. The guards instruct. "Walk through the door. Stay for exactly ten seconds. Then open the door on the other side and walk promptly inside the cell. Close the door behind you."

Greg nods and walks inside, where he's greeted by a small square room composed entirely of glass. He waits exactly ten seconds and then turns the handle on the door in front of him. He walks through and quickly makes eye contact through six layers of glass with the coldest glare he's ever received.

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