"Unquestionably not you"

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Heyy! i know its been so long i have posted! but here you go! It was fun writing this chapter!


Shawn's pov

I saw Noah's car pull into their driveway, Jessica started unloading the cases. What the f*ck! Alex was the next person who came into sight. You've got to be kidding me!?

I heard footsteps approaching, My bedroom door opened revealing Noah.

"Dude we agreed to keep Alex out of all this, you know it's not safe for her to know all of this" I yelled.

"Since when do you care about Al?" Noah smirked.

"You are changing the subject." I rolled my eyes at him. "She still isn't over your parents' death, the last thing for her is to get messed up in this."

"It's too late Shawn." He sighed. "The other day, they came after her and threatened to kill her, she ended up getting punched and kicked in the gut and couldn't do anything. Alex thinks mum and dad were murdered because I was a freaking drug dealer!"

"What?" I scowled. "Did she tell you why did they come after her?" I added.

"Not really. She literally flinched when I caught her hand. I won't always be around to save her, she had to know to defend herself."

"Do think she is going to sit quite after knowing all this? Trust me, Noah, she is going to go after them for revenge. Take it from someone who has experienced it." I warned.

"Where do you think she gets it from?" He boasted, wriggling his eyebrows.

"Unquestionably not you." I gave an unamused expression.

Alex's Pov

The day was really going well. No fights and no drama. I had to excuse myself for a trip to the toilets. My next class was the gym and it included Dylan, Tyler, Hailey Shawn and the group of wanna be's.

Sports were my favourite class and dodge ball was Urgh! Don't get me started. I was a Pro! The best part about it is I get to take revenge on Britney and Shawn. Wink wink wink.

I changed into gym clothes and made my way towards the gym. I saw people crowding at the lockers.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I saw 'orphan' scribbled on the locker with 'SM' at the bottom. I can feel my nose flare and blood boil. As I was storming towards the bleachers there was literally badass background music playing at the back of my head. 'Don't mind that I can be quite dramatic' I saw Brittney trying to talk to now frowning Shawn. I stormed towards at him and threw a punch in his face.

I heard 'Ooh's' from the football team.

"What the -"

"Yeah! what the f*ck Mendes." I complete the sentence for him.

"Keep your dirty hands from my man." Brittney shrieked.

"SHUT UP!" We shouted in unison.

"For once I thought you had at least a bit of emotion, I was wrong! Urgh! who am I kidding?" I groaned. I threw a scrub at him.

"Clean the freaking mess you made on my locker or I'm going to report you." With that, I stormed off.


I was lying on my bed staring at the ceiling doing the usual, thinking about how it all happened? They were right in front of me and I couldn't just see what they were up to. And how could Shawn do such a thing? Out of all the people, he knew how close to my parents and he was too. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the rustic acoustic guitar strings and humming of an all too familiar voice. I peeked through the curtains to see half naked Shawn sitting by the edge of the bed with the Casio and the guitar my mom gifted him on his birthday last year. He was strumming it so professionally, 'can he at least be trash at something for once?'

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