Chapter 6

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I walked through the cold and empty house, it's evident that Noah isn't home. I walked upstairs to my room and into the bathroom, I stripped off my clothes sat under the shower letting my messy hair cascading down. I sat there thinking about how life changed from the past year, how mum and dad weren't in our lives anymore, how a crazy psychotic gang was after me. I don't know why my friends keep up with me? neither do I have good looks, nor I am famous at school. I guess they are with me because they pity me. Soon my hair was wet and tears welled up. This is one place where I can be vulnerable, Where I can let it all go at the end of the day but, the funny part is that even the four walls couldn't make out my tears because they streamed down my cheek interlacing with the water as soon as the slip out of my eye. I'm stuck in a place where neither can I tell someone what's happening, nor can I keep everything piled inside. The pain just magnifies day by day, it feels impossible to avoid it. Sometimes I feel like running away somewhere far from here but I know it's of no use because they are gonna come haunting back where ever I go or whichever corner I'm going to hide.

I stepped out off the shower chamber and looked at my appearance in the mirror, eyes were swollen puffy red and manifested pain and grief. I walked into my room and rummaged through my closet for comfortable clothes. I sat on the edge of the bed facing towards the balcony brush my hair, I could see Shawn's room but it was pitch black indicating he wasn't home yet. I grabbed his copy of Pride and Prejudice and started reading it. I remember when Aaliyah gave it to me saying 'I guess its an amazing book, Shawn read it like countless times' I'm guessing he probably doesn't have a horrible taste. He has all the colourful stick on's sticking out of the book indicating his love for the book. I leaned against the headboard and dived into the imagination world. Soon my eyes were drooping, I put the book on my nightstand and dozed into a dreamless slumber.

Shawn's POV

I reached home shortly after I had an argument with Alex at the party. I don't regret what I said to her, I hated her for everything, for all the assumptions she made, sometimes even at her appearance. I can't stand her even for a second. What does she think? Do I not have anything to do in my life other than doing that shit spray paint doodling on her locker. I could get fucking expelled for that! Yes! I lied to her. I don't give a shit about what she thinks of me. I want her far away from me, I'm gonna make sure for her to know that I don't let feelings affect my judgement. I was sitting on the edge of my bed with hands running through my hair in frustration. I got into a fight shortly after she left, I had to let all the anger and hatred out, there were bruises and cuts on my hand.

I saw Alex's bedroom lights were on and her phone lying on her bed. I know she left the party just after our argument. I was sitting in the dark for over an hour and just then I saw her with just towel wrapped around her body. Her hair was all wet, she didn't even care to dry it. The water droplets from hair were just dripping all over the floor and she carelessly rummaged through her closet and I know that she will get it straight in the morning cursing herself for doing it now. She changes and comes back from the bathroom and sits on the edge of her bed looking lost and just brushing through her wet hair. She looks straight towards my room and I'm glad I didn't switch on the lights, it was pitch dark and she couldn't see a thing. She sighs and grabs a book which looks familiar. It was my book, I remember Aaliyah wanting to borrow the book telling me she would let a friend read it and I just agreed even though it was my favourite. She was concentrating hard which is evident that she is having a problem with the way it was written. Although after flipping through a few pages she was already dozing off, she flipped the light off and slept.

I just don't get it, why was I even watching her?

Alexa's POV

I woke up with the entire house blaring with music. Why does Noah have to do this at 10 in the freaking morning? I stuffed my face into the pillow, but there was no luck.

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