Gender bent / highschool au

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Kat aka kade in this is my besties oc
Keith is kai
Lance is Lucy
Hunk is Haley
Trinity is rin
Shiro is shila
Matt is Mattie
Allura is Luke
Lotor is lota

Pidge was disguised as Katie but was in love with kai. Lucy was in love with Kade. Rin loves Haley, Mattie loves shila and luke loves lota

Katie pov~

I had just found out that everyone knew my secret and I was devastated. Then I heard that kai told everyone and now I was furious. I don't know why I even trusted her to begin with. She was my crush so I guess that's why I told her. But now I didn't know what to think I was just so upset and now everyone was teasing me about it. I just walk off and I hear kai behind me "Katie!" She calls after me but I ignore her and keep walking. "Katie please!" She days and I turn and look at her. "What?!" I ask mad "I promise I didn't tell anyone that!!" She says and I could tell she had been crying but i didn't know if I should believe her or not. "I'll even tell you my biggest secret please Katie just listen" she says and I sigh but look at her "all right what is it?" I ask her and she looks down and what she says shocks me. "My biggest secret is that I am in love with you Pidge gunderson." She says and I pull her close and smile at her "wanna know my other biggest secret?" I ask her and she nods "I love you to kai kogane" I say before kissing her gently.

Kade's pov~

I was watching Lucy who was always flirting with other guys. I sigh and continue watching her, she was perfect. Her tan skin her long brown hair and her ocean blue eyes. I just loved everything about her. I loved the way she laughed or when she was embarrassed when she did something dumb it was just the cutest thing. My cat ears go down and I sigh. I then notice her walking up to me and she grabs my ears and my eyes widen. "L-Lucy?" I ask her and then she cups my face and kisses me gently. I kiss back and when she pulls away I was a blushing mess. "I love you Baka" she says and I pull her close "I love you to Lucy" I say and she kisses me again.

Rins pov~

I was walking to cooking class and I sit in my spot, which was beside Haley the best cook in the class. She was chunky and people made fun of her for it but I loved everything about her. She was just so perfect in my eyes. I then hear the teacher say pair up and I look around to see nobody wanted to partner up with me so I sigh. "Hey wolfie lets partner up" I hear Haley say and I look up at her "why with me?" I ask her and she looks down. "I don't know... I just wanted to cook with you" she says and I smile at her "well of course I'll be your partner" I say and kiss her cheek before walking into our assigned kitchen. As we were cooking I noticed that I would occasionally glance at her and when I did she always looked so happy cooking. I smile and I didn't realize I was burning some. "Oh crap!" I say and take the cake out of the oven. "Hey it's alright we can bake another one" she says and I was upset Because I always messed up when I was cooking. "Are you sure?" I ask her and she smiles softly at me and kisses me making my eyes widen. But then I close them and kiss her back. She pulls away and then winks at me. "Now cmon show me how good you can cook" she says and I smile before turning around to cook again.

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