A fairys scent Bede x reader

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Bedes pov~

I had just became the fairy type gym leader about a week ago and I had just received my first challenger. Her name was y/n and she was just gorgeous, I guess you could say it was love at first sight for me. After she had challenged me and beaten me she went on her way and I just couldn't get her out of my head. Her long h/c blowing in the wind of clashing attacks and the way her e/c eyes sparkled as the excitement in the battle grew. I just felt a certain spark that I thought only happened in love stories or movies. I look over at my rapidash who was looking at me worried. "Don't worry boy I'm fine just have a lot on my mind" I say and get up to stroke his mane. Do you think y/n is almost done with the gym challenge?" I ask him and he neighs as if saying yes. "Maybe she is but I wonder if she has any free time" I ask myself and look at my rotom phone and at the latest news. "Y/n becomes champion after beating the long lasting champion Leon in a clash of power" was the headline of the article I was reading and I smile to myself it had only been last week when she had challenged me and won. I smile and then hear a knock on the front door of the gym. "Come in" I say and my eyes widen as it was her. "Hey y/n!" I shout and walk up to her as she was smiling. "Hey I just wanted to check up oh my favorite gym leader" she says and I start blushing "f-favorite?" I ask her and smile as she nods. "Yeah I was also wondering if you wanted to maybe catch up and grab a bite to eat my treat" she says and I grin "I would love that" I say and she grabs my hand before dragging me out of the gym and onto her flygon. We then take off to Hulburry to eat at the pizza place they had there. "Their pizza is always the best" she says as she was eating "yeah it is pretty good isn't it?" I ask her and then she starts sniffing "hey what's that amazing aroma?" She asks and I look at her confused "I don't smell anything" I say and she leans closer to me still sniffing "it's you, you smell just like flowers!" She says and I start blushing "flowers?" I ask "yeah almost like sweet scent" she says and she starts giggling "I guess it's just my fairy scent" I say and give a sly smile as she finishes eating her pizza. "Well where do you wanna go next?" I ask her. "I don't care I'm gonna follow your fairy scent anyway" y/n says and I start blushing more. "I don't think you would wanna follow me" I say "and why not I think I would wanna follow the guy who is using fairy scent besides your really cute to" she says and giggles "you think I'm cute?" I ask her and she starts blushing softly before looking down. "Is that bad?" She asks me "w-well actually no because your pretty cute as well" I say and lean in to kiss her softly she smiles and kisses back before pulling away and blushing. "I love you" I say and she smiles "well I love you to" she says as we get up and walk out of the pizzeria. "Well my fairy scent where to next?" She asks me and I think "well how about we just hang out you and me?" I ask her and she starts giggling "and your fairy scent don't forget about the scent" she says and I start laughing myself "yes of course the fairy scent"

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