A wishful night Raihan x reader

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Y/n pov~

I sighed in annoyance as I had been waiting hours for my so called best friend to arrive at my camp in the wild area. "He probably saw some dragon type he didn't have and ran off to see if he could catch it or something." I say to
Myself and continue slowly stirring the curry that had almost finished. I then notice my boltund whining as it was pawing at my leg "what is it girl?" I ask her and she just keeps whining as she was now barking. "Hold on girl it's almost done" I say and stop stirring the curry that had just finished and a pour some into a bowl for her to eat. "Hey y/n" I hear someone say behind me and I turn around to see Raihan himself running to me. "Sorry I'm late I kinda ran into a group of fans and had to sign autographs" he says and sits beside me "well you better be glad you got here before the curry got cold" I say and hand him a plate as I behind fixing one for myself. He starts eating and after the first bite he gobbles it down like a Pidgey that hadn't been fed in days. I laugh and slowly eat mine savoring the taste of the sweet curry. "Your curry is always the best y/n!" Raihan says giving me his signature grin "well thank you" I say and finish mine before putting everything I had used to cook with away. "Well why do you like camping out in the wild area so much anyway y/n?" He asks me and I think for a minute before answering "I love being able to stare up at the night sky before falling asleep" I say and lay down against the grass and looking up at the sky. "I love looking at the constellations and seeing which ones I can find" I say and he lays beside me "I didn't realize you like to stargaze so much y/n, we should do it more then"
Raihan says and I smile before looking at him. His ocean blue eyes taking in the beauty of the night sky, lighting up with every twinkling star. "Hey look     y/n!, a shooting star!" He shouts and points up at the fast flying object. "Well make a wish Raihan" I say "my wish is to finally beat Leon and become the champion!" He says with a goofy grin before looking at me "what was your wish y/n?" He asks me "well if I'm being honest here, my wish is for my crush to feel the same as I do" I say and look back up at the stars "well I'm sure they do after all you're amazing!" He says and I smile before looking at him "yeah I am pretty cool aren't I?" I ask giving a sly smirk and he laughs before moving his hand closer to mine. I notice and begin blushing as our fingers interlock. "Hey y/n?" He asks me and I look at him my cheeks tinted pink "y-yeah Raihan?" I ask him and he had a small blush on his face to "you wanna know what I actually wished for?" He asks me "sure what was it?" I ask him and he scratches the back of his head "well I uh... I wished that you would notice me as more than you know... best friends" he says and I turn beat red as I couldn't take how cute he was when he was this nervous. "Well you wanna know something?" I ask him "what?" He asks me "my wish just came true" I say and it takes a second to process before he pulls me into a tight hug. "That makes the both of us then!" He shouts and starts blushing when he realizes how close our faces were. "Hey y/n?" He asks me "yeah?" I ask him "is it okay if I kiss you?" He asks me and I slowly nod as he leans in, kissing me under the starry sky.

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