Chapter 3

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I arrived at Cindy's place at 5:47. I knocked on the door, knowing her dad didn't like people ringing the doorbell. It was also how they could tell if it was someone they knew or not, with a few exceptions of course.

Cindy answered, instantly hugging me. "Gwen! Hi! Come in, come in! Amber's on her way!"

"Can't... Breathe..." I choked out.

Cindy released me. "Sorry! I'm just so excited you're here!"

I inhaled sharply, relieved I could breathe again.

Cindy giggled at my attempts at catching my breath.

I gave her a look. "Why do you keep doing that?"

Cindy giggled again. "Cause it's fun!"

I shook my head at her before changing the subject. "I thought I should let you know, my mom made pancakes this morning and I was in too much of a rush to eat them so my mom saved them for my supper and I ate them while I was at home, so if you ordered food I don't want any."

Cindy gave me a look. "You sure you ate them?"

I nodded. "Yes."

She smiled, satisfied with my answer. "Good!"

I had to try not to sigh in relief. Instead, I just smiled.

I took my converse off as Cindy's mom had a 'no shoes in the house' rule.

Just then, the doorbell rang. Cindy quickly opened it, revealing Amber. 

Poor Amber was subject to one of Cindy's deathly hugs. "Amber! Hi!"

Amber looked shocked. "Um... Hi..."

I facepalmed. "Cindy, let the poor girl go. You're gonna break her, you compressing machine."

Cindy let Amber go who proceeded to take deep breaths in an attempt to live. 

Cindy smirked mischievously at me. "I'm not a compressing machine! I'm a tickle monster!"

Before I could comprehend what was happening, Cindy was on me in a flash, ticking all my sensitive spots.

I started squealing. "Ah! Cindy! Stop!"

She continued to tickle me. "I won't stop until you say, 'I'm a pretzel popsicle covered in rabbit guts and glue!'"

I gave in, knowing there was no other way out. "I'm a pretzel popsicle covered in rabbit guts and glue!" I said in between laughs.

Cindy finally stopped, and I caught my breath again. Amber had a look of fear, shock, surprise, and amusement on her face.

"Anyway, let's go!" Cindy grabbed my arm and Amber's too, going to her room.

Her room was quite nice. She had fairy lights above her bed, a picture wall, and nice bed covers. Her furniture was fairly new. It consisted of her bedframe, her dresser, her desk, and a vanity. Quite a contrast to my room with nothing on my walls except for a picture an old friend drew of me, a calendar, a clock, and a fake bed frame made out of washi tape I made when I was eleven. My furniture consisted of a bed frame that was breaking and a side table and dresser set that my mom had when she was a kid. We both have full-length mirrors but hers is nicer than mine.

"Nice room," Amber commented.

Cindy smiled. "Thanks!"

I sighed and rubbed my temple. What is up with people and smiling?

"Gwen? You alright?" Cindy asked.

I looked up and met my friend's concerned gaze. "Huh? Yeah, I'm fine."

Through the Lies (On Hold)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora