Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning to Cindy shaking my whole body to get me up. It was extremely effective.

"Cindy? What are you doing?" I questioned sleepily.

"We're going to be late for school!" She exclaimed as she continued to shake me.

I groaned and pulled my blanket over my face. "Go away. School can fuck off."

"Did you just say what I think you did?!" Cindy's shocked expression was evident in her voice, and she immediately stopped shaking me.

I giggled and pulled my blanket off of my head. "I said that just to make you stop making an earthquake out of me."

Cindy glared at me. "Why do you have to know me so well? I'm used to you being an innocent little bean!"

I let out a laugh. "Cindy, I am far from an innocent bean."

Cindy shook her head. "Anyway, we should get ready for school.

I nodded. "I'm gonna head back to my place to get ready, is that alright?"

"Sure," Cindy said, "I'll see you at school?"

"Of course," I answered, nodding again.

She gave me a thumbs up. "Alright, I'll see you there."

I started packing my bedding and everything else I had brought. I also ran my brush through my hair and threw on some sweats so I would look somewhat presentable on the walk back.

Back at my house, I changed and jumped on the scale before I left. 121 pounds. I'd lost a couple of pounds which is pretty good, still not good enough, though. I grabbed my backpack and my house key and left for school, catching a glance at the picture of Elizabeth that hung in the living room. I fought back tears as I left, fighting back memories trying to make their way to the front of my mind.


As I arrived at school, I spotted Cindy waiting for me at the front doors. I waved and she waved back, smiling like crazy. I shook my head at her overenthusiastic nature.

"Hey, Cindy, what's up?" I asked as I approached her.

"Nothing much. You?" She inquired, turning the question around.

"Same, I'm just surprised I'm actually early for-" I started, but was interrupted by a random hug along with a squeal of a voice.

"Gwen!! Hi!! How are you? It's been so long, we have so much to catch up on!!" The voice exclaimed.

I turned my head to see Sofie behind me, her arms wrapped around me, nearly lifting me off the ground. "Can't... Breathe..." I choked out, hoping she'd let me go.

"Oops! Sorry, guess I got a bit carried away!" She giggled and let go of my waist, turning a little shy.

I stared in surprise at the sudden show of affection and attention from her. "Is there something you want?" I asked tentatively.

"I just want to spend some time with my bestie!!" She shouted again, hopping on her toes a couple of times.

I gave Cindy a puzzled look, but she looked just as dumbfounded as I felt. "Okay, well, um, hi?"

"Yipee!!" Sofie screamed, before grabbing my arm and dragging me off.

I glanced back at Cindy who looked as confused as I was. I gave her an unsure, fearful look before she was out of sight.

Sofie dragged me through the school doors, heading down the hall. "Um... Sofie? Where are you taking me? I can walk by myself, you know..."

"You'll see! And I want you to be able to keep up!" She said with a giggle.

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