Alpha Teacher / Omega Student

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Summary: Louis goes to school during his heat and many alphas try to have sex with him. His Alpha Teacher is protective of him. No one knows of their relationship. Harry is very protective of Louis. Louis has problems and Harry's there for him to help him through it all.


Louis walks the hallways and many alphas try to kiss or grope him. "Fuck off ya twit!" The alpha just look at him like he's a piece of meat.  Louis makes it to his first class, History. The teacher smiles at him and he smiles back. "Morning Louis..." "Morning Mr. Styles." "How's your morning been?" 

"Alphas are trying to kiss me and grope me..." Louis always tells Mr. Styles how his mornings have started and then at the end of the day, he comes back to tell him how the day ended. The bell rings and the other students come filing in. Louis looks up and sees Zayn. He smiles.

Zayn looks at him and then looks away and sits with Liam. Louis gives him a confused look. He looks at the seats around him and sees no one sitting there. The teacher looks at him and Louis puts his head down. He raises his hand. "Yes, Louis?" 

Louis looks up with glassed over eyes and motions his head in the direction of the door. Mr. Styles nods and Louis rushes out of the room. He runs to the bathroom and cries. He's an outcast now. He wipes his eyes. He knew he couldn't have trusted Zayn.

He hears footsteps and looks at the boots.  He looks up and sees his teacher. Mr. Styles sits beside him and rubs his back. "You okay Lou?" Louis nods. He's never called me Lou... Louis nods and wipes his eyes. "I k-knew I wouldn't f-fit in..." "Why?" "I'm an o-omega..."

Harry smiles and wraps his other arm around Louis. "Remember...omegas can drive an alpha nuts." Louis smiles then realizes that his teacher is an alpha. Louis pushes away and curls in on himself. "Lou..." "Y-you're an a-alpha..." Harry smiles. "I'm also a teacher, I can control myself."

Louis nods. "calm down and see me after school." Louis nods and goes to the bathroom. He stays there all day. He skips periods and lunch. When the final bell rings and he makes his way to Mr. Styles' classroom He makes his way in the opposite direction of all the other students.

They're all running from Mr. Styles' classroom. He goes into Mr. Styles class and sees Mr. Styles growling and very sweaty. Louis cautiously makes his way to his seat. when Louis sits down, Mr. Styles looks up and sees Louis. Louis looks very nervous. "Louis..." "Y-Yeah?" "Come here..."

Louis stands up and makes his way over. "How was today, baby..." "I skipped class Daddy..." Harry frowns. "I told you not to skip class..." "I-it's just o-other a-alphas..." Harry pulls Louis closer. "How was lunch?" Louis whimpers and tries to push away from Harry. "What's wrong?"

Louis wraps his arms around his stomach. "I skipped lunch..." Harry growls and stands up. "I-I'm sorry Daddy..." Harry gets closer and closer until they're pushed on top of each other. "I'm sorry Alpha..." Harry stops and sees Louis with tears. "Lou...I'm sorry..." Louis moves away.

Harry's heart breaks. "Wanna go home, I can give you a ride..." Louis nods. "What's your mum's number?" Louis looks at him with more tears. "I c-can't go h-home... " "Why?" Louis slides against the wall and curls his knees up to his chins and lets out a sob. "Why?" 

Louis looks up at him. "R-remember...f-from like a m-month a-ago..." Harry motions for him to continue. "W-well, you k-know how I h-had my h-heat and y-you had your r-rut..." Harry nods and waits. "You k-knotted me w-without p-prot-tection..." Harry's eyes widen. 

"Y-yes...I-I'm having y-your p-pup..." Harry hugs him. "Wait, Lou, you're only 15..." Louis nods. "Is that why you can't go home?" Louis nods. "We'll be fine..." Louis smiles "You still have your ruts...I still have my heats..." Harry smiles and gets up. 

He locks the classroom door and Louis perks up. "Ready?" Louis nods. Louis sits on Harry's lap and unbuttons his shirt. Harry kisses him. "Just a quick one today..." Louis frowns and stops. "Lou..." "Yeah?" "We have to be quick, I have someone waiting for me at a restaurant..." 

Louis looks at him. "W-what..." "Someone is waiting for because they want to know about me..." Louis gets off his lap and picks his bag up. "I have to m-meet Zayn..." Louis leaves and goes to the comic store. He goes in and sees Zayn and Liam. 

He sniffs and walks over to the same comic section. He hears snickering and looks up. He sees Zayn smiling. "Can't believe they're having a pup, would've thought it'd be smarter if they waited..." Liam nods. "Such a slut..." They both laugh and walk away. 

Louis looks down and leaves. He walks past a restaurant and sees Harry with a girl. They're eating dinner and drinking wine. She hands Harry a paper and wipes her eyes. Harry and her hug and people clap. He looks at the lady and she's his math teacher. 

Louis walks away and sits under a tree. He covers his head and cries. He feels a tap and looks up. He sees Harry. Louis gets up and walks away. "Please leave me alone..." "Lou, she was just a colleague..." Louis shakes his head and turns to him. "What was the paper?"  

"She and her husband are finally having a baby..they've tried for a while...people got the wrong idea and thought we were having a  baby..." Louis looks at him. "C-can we get out of the rain?" Harry nods and grabs his hand. Louis accepts it and they walk to Harry's car. 

Louis gets in and Harry gets in. Harry starts the car and turns the heat on. "Harry...I'm sorry I friends overheard our conversation about us having a baby and called me a slut and then laughed and left..." Louis wipes his eyes and looks away. 

"I-I'm sorry, I probably ruined everything..." "Lou..." Louis just covers his ears and silently cries. "Lou...Lou!" Louis looks at him. "Happy Valentine's Day...." Louis looks at him and sees a box. Louis accepts it and goes to open it. "Not yet, when we get to my house." 

Louis nods and buckles. Harry buckles and starts driving. Louis smiles and when they get to Harry's house, they go inside and Harry wraps his arms around Louis. "Lou, I love you..." Louis smiles. He hasn't said it yet but Harry doesn't mind. "Open the box..." 

Louis opens the box and sees a key. He looks at it and then Harry. "It a copy of the key to my house..." Louis looks at him. "Move in with me, Lou..." Louis hugs Harry and kisses him. Harry kisses back. "C-can we go t-to the bedroom?" Harry shakes his head. 

"We already have one pup, we can wait for a little...." Louis whimpers. He's horny and wants to have sex with Harry. Louis lets out an omega growl and feels a noise coming from inside his chest. He looks up and doesn't see Harry. He hears Harry howling and curses.  

He runs to find him and finds him in his wolf form. Louis changed and he's a snow-white wolf and sits beside Harry. Louis starts howling and Harry smiles. Harry gets up and gently uses his teeth to grab on Louis' tail. 

Harry sees Louis get into a submissive position and raise his tail Harry growls and fits himself on top of Louis. His wolf legs on the side of Louis and he lines up. He pushes in and Louis moans. Harry lets Louis settle before he begins moving.  

Louis moans and they deform from wolfs to humans. Louis flips and looks at his teacher. "M-Mr...Styles?" Harry looks at him. "Yeah?" "I'm gonna cum. "Not yet..." Harry reaches over and places a cockring on Louis. Louis doesn't like it. "Red...." Harry stops. "What?" 

Louis gets nervous and stays quiet. "'s fine...the safe words are meant to be used...what did you say?" "Red..." "Why?" "Don't like this..." Harry takes the ring off. Louis whimpers and releases. "I-I'm sorry....I ruined our Valentine's day..." "No, you didn't..." Louis looks at him. 

"No?" "No..." Harry picks Louis up and places him on the bed. Harry lays next to him. "Happy Valentine's day...: Louis smiles and they kiss. Louis falls asleep and so does his teacher.

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