New Year's Eve (Fuck Our Way Into the New Year)

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SUMMARY: Louis and Harry throw a new year's eve party and invite their best friends. One of their friends the entire Fifty Shades trilogy. Louis has never watched it but Harry has. 


"Lou, have you invited our friends?" Louis looks at him. "Messaged them about this party two weeks ago." Harry nods and finishes putting out some food. Harry looks at his younger boyfriend. 

He smiles and goes over to him. "Lou, I have the best boyfriend..." Louis blushes and hides his face. Harry is 24 and Louis is 18. Louis is finishing his last year of school. He looks at Harry. 

"I asked them to bring movies over as well..." "Great...wonder what they'll bring..." "Am I allowed to watch them?" "Why wouldn't you be?" "There are some movies that I'm too young to watch..." 

"We're at home, you can watch them." Louis nods and goes up to his room. They have separate rooms until they take the next step. They've been together for four years and take everything slowly. 

Louis looks through the movies he has and doesn't wanna watch any of them. He invited some of his friends but they're still older than him. He hears the doorbell ring and walks downstairs. He hears Harry talking. 

"Glad you guys could make it. There's food out and pile the movies on the coffee table." He hears people walking and goes to the kitchen. Harry goes over to him and hugs him. "Ready for our New Year's Eve party?" Louis nods. 

He heads to the living room and looks through the movies. He hasn't watched any of these and sees one that's a trilogy. He flips it and reads the back. He puts it down and walks over to Harry. He whispers to him. 

"When are we watching movies?" "In a little bit..." Louis nods and grabs a piece of pizza. He doesn't see one of Harry's friends staring at him until he looks up. He throws away the pizza crust and walks away. 

He goes to his room and locks the door. He sits in his room. He doesn't like this kind of party. When he thought of a party, he thought it would just be the two of them. He hears footsteps and then a knock. 

"Lou, we're gonna start watching the movies." Louis gets up and opens the door. He smiles and they head downstairs. "What are we watching?" "The Fifty Shades Trilogy..." Louis nods and they all sit down. 

Louis sits against the armrest with Harry next to him. The movie starts and it seems like a normal movie. Louis thinks Christian Grey is hot. He smiles and doesn't pay attention too much. 

He looks up at the part where he asks Ana if she's a virgin. He listens and watches. He sees them kiss and get up and walk to his room. He sees Christian stripping Ana and sees him take it slowly. 

He sees Christian strip and climb on top of Ana. He watches as Christian takes Ana's virginity. He feels himself getting hard at the thought of him and Harry doing that. He shifts around and watches the rest of the movie. 

When that one ends the watch the next two. By the time they've watched all three movies, Louis has seen a lot of sex and Christian's red room. He gets up and goes to his room. 

He locks the door and tries to make his hard-on go away. He doesn't know what to do, he hasn't gotten one before, Harry hasn't tried to make him hard because they weren't ready for that yet. 

Louis makes sure the door's locked and climbs into his bed. He takes his pants and boxers off. He sees his penis standing up and pokes the head. He lets out a quiet whimper. He wishes it was just him and Harry now. 

He goes into his pants pocket and pulls out his phone. He calls Harry and puts it to his ear. "Lou?" "C-can our f-friends..leave..." "Why?" Louis stays quiet. "B-Because I don't feel good..." "You have been very quiet and tired lately..." 

Harry hangs up and Louis hears everyone leaving. "The Fifty Shades trilogy was a new year's gift for you guys..." Harry shuts the door and goes up to Louis' room. He tries to open it but it's locked. "Louis?" 

Louis pulls just his pants on and opens the door. "Yeah?" "Everything okay?" Louis shakes his head. "What's wrong?" "M-My...." Louis blushes thinking about it and looks away. He looks at Harry. 

"I don't know what dick's hard and I don't know what to do..." Louis looks down and sees his dick making a tent in the front of his pants. He feels a hand on his shoulder. "When did this happen?" 

"I was staring at Christian Grey in the movies and I thought he was hot and I...." Louis stops. "And?" "I thought about you doing those things to me..." Harry smiles. "You mean you want to act out one of the scenes?" Louis nods. 

"The one where Ana loses her virginity..." Harry nods and kisses Louis. Louis pulls away. "Wait...I w-wanted to do something..." Harry nods and Louis goes to the closet. He changes into a pair of white cotton panties and pulls his pants up. 

He exits. Harry kisses him again and they fall onto the bed. "c-can you make l-love to me..." Harry nods and Louis lays down. Harry pulls Louis' pants off and sees the cotton panties. 

He grips the edge and slides his thumb under the top waistband. Harry pulls them down. He looks at Louis. "Finish getting undressed..." Harry leaves and goes to his room. He grabs some lube and a condom. 

He goes back and sees Louis naked and his eyes closed. He knows he can't have sex with Louis now. He strips and lays next to him. Louis opens his eyes and sees Harry. "Can we move on?" 

Harry grabs the lube and condom and slicks his fingers up. He inserts one and they take it very slowly. It takes just 30 minutes almost 45 if Harry didn't have to rest his wrist.  "Ready?" "I-I don't know..." 

Harry rolls the condom on and puts a lot of lube to make sure Louis is comfortable with it. He hovers over Louis and kisses him. He makes his way to his neck and kisses it under his ear. 

Louis moans and Harry keeps kissing him there. He holds Louis' hands down and starts sliding his way in. Louis whimpers and Harry stops. It takes them an hour to have Harry halfway in. 

"It's okay if you can't take it, Louis, we can do it again when you're ready..." Louis shakes his head. He looks at the time. It's only 11. Louis tries to pull Harry close so Harry moves closer. He slides the rest of the way in. 

Louis moans and they take their time with sliding in and out. Louis moans from the feeling and looks at the time. He knows he wants to try but he doesn't think he can. Harry looks at the time. 

"20 minutes until the New Year..." Louis moans and Harry keeps sliding in and out. "5 minutes until the New Year..." Louis feels the coil loosening and  Harry slowly counts down. "5...4...3...2..." Louis releases and Harry releases. 

Harry flops down in Louis. Louis wraps his hands around Harry's neck. Louis' breath is a little faster than normal and deep. "I..." Louis stops. "What?" " you..." Louis feels Harry move away. "I love you..." Louis smiles. 

Harry kisses him. "Happy New Year..." Louis smiles and kisses him. "Happy New Year..."

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