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As I stepped out of my old, tattered car, I took a deep breath of the chilly air. I scanned the now vacant park, surprised to see the once lively spot I visited often during my youth so empty. But the scent remained the same, immediately taking me back to my childhood. It was a strong earthy scent, always smelling like there had just been a rain shower, mixed with cedar from the wooded trails. Snapping out of my reminiscence, I popped my trunk, grabbing my camera bag. I was working on a project for my photography class, and I knew that this specific location would allow me to take some nice shots.

As I approached the trails, I grew a bit hesitant. It was getting a bit late, and I wasn't too certain on the safety of being alone here at this time. I turned up the music on my earbuds to drown out my nerves and began to make my way down the trail. I felt an intense rush of creativity as I took a few shots of just about anything I could find, feeling a bit more confident about the situation. I took photos of the sky, the trees, and some stray flowers I found on the way.

At one point I began to notice the rapidly darkening skylight, as what used to be lit up by the sunset was now almost completely unseeable. I looked down at the ground, trying to find the path I had came down, before realizing I had gone off the trail at some point, as there was just dead leaves where it should have been. I tried not to panic too much, but it became increasingly difficult considering the darkness and that all I could see are trees in every single direction. Using the light from my phone, I attempted to try and find my way out, but what I saw instead made my heart drop into my stomach.

Off in the distance, I could see a figure of a younger male. Something about his appearance was off-putting to me. He looked to be in his mid-twenties with unkept dark brown hair, wearing a brown-ish grey hoodie that had been tarnished with unusual stains, looking a bit like blood. But the thing that stood out most about him was the mask and goggles he wore on his face and the hatchets that were latched onto his belt. My breath hitched as I quickly locked my phone, praying that he did not see the light coming from my location. Even with no lights, I could still make out every movement he made, thanks to the moonlight above. He looked as if he was in search of something... or someone. I slowly took a few steps back, trying my hardest to mask my body behind the trees. My fight or flight mode had been triggered, knowing I had to get out of there unnoticed or else I could find myself in serious trouble.

I continued to walk slowly in the opposite direction, occasionally glancing behind me make sure I wasn't being followed. Each time I checked, he seemed to be getting even closer to me, which is when I knew for certain that I was in danger. I knew this man was looking for someone, and that someone must be me. I needed to get out of there, and at that point I knew I needed to run as fast as I could, and I did.

I ran for minutes on end, hearing the sounds of crunching leaves from behind me, as I assumed he had been chasing me, but I didn't have time to check, I was too focused on getting out of there. No matter how far I ran, there was only trees. No sign of an exit or any life on the outside. I stopped for a second to catch my breath, checking behind myself one more time. Nobody. I actually felt a sense of relief for once, thinking I had lost the strange man. I felt safe enough to use my phone once more, desperately pressing buttons to try and make a call for help. No signal, shocking. I could feel the tears stinging my eyes, my head feeling dizzy as if I was going to pass out. I couldn't find my way out and I couldn't call for help, I felt helpless and lost.

" Y/N... I've been waiting for you." I heard a deep voice echo from behind me, my body freezing in time. My body was trembling, unable to move or speak from where I was standing, now fearing for my life. Who is this man? How does he know my name?

My head became fuzzy and my ears began to ring, I began to run once more, but I could feel my body slowly start to shut down. My limbs became numb, I could not hear anything over the ringing in my ears, and my vision began to blacken.

"Running from me again, huh Y/N?" I could hear the deep voice echo throughout my ears, my body becoming so weak I couldn't even stand. This was it, This was the end.

"This will be the last time you run from me." Was the last thing I heard, before my body gave out completely, everything going black.

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