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As the days go by, I get more and more numb to the pain of being in captivity. By now, I have given up all hope as I know that I'm not going to get out of here anytime soon. Perhaps this is my life now, maybe this is what it was meant to be.

After all the encounters with my childhood best friend, all I could feel was guilt. I honestly couldn't care less that he's holding me hostage at this point, I thought maybe this is what I truly deserve.

"How could I do this to him?"
"Why did I do that to the person I trusted the most?"
"All of this is my fault, I'm a terrible person."

All of these thoughts constantly ran through my head as I continued to feel the most guilt I have ever felt in my whole life. Part of me was mad at myself, wanting to go back to the time where everything was okay, to when we were both happy. But another part of me still wondered why he could hold a grudge towards me for all these years.

For the past few days, I wasn't locked up in that old room like I was before. Though I was thankful for the small freedom he had allowed me, I was still trapped with no way to get out. So, it didn't really matter if I was cooped up in some room or not, I still couldn't leave.

Everyday I feel myself disconnect from the outside world even more, unable to feel emotions like I used to. I was almost always alone and I didn't quite understand why. I couldn't help but to wonder where he was all the time, considering he was never really here except on a few occasions. Even when he was here, he kept his distance from me and rarely ever conversed with me, which was odd to me.


I awoken abruptly on the hard sofa to the sound of the front door slamming. I rubbed my eyes gently, getting used to the daylight and to make out what was going on. To my surprise, there he was, after being gone for days.

I looked him up and down, before my eyes stopped at something he had in his hands. It was a hatchet, but what was even more disturbing was the dry blood splattered on the blade.

My eyes widened at the horrific sight as I backed up a bit onto the couch, terrified of what was in front of me.

All he did was let out a light laugh, setting the weapon down on the rusted table next to the door. "Don't worry, this isn't for you." He grinned at me, to which I looked away from.

Once he walked off away from me, I returned my focus to him, watching him enter the kitchen. I slowly stood from the couch, following far behind him. He seemed to be fixing something, but I wasn't sure what.

After all those days of being left alone with my thoughts, I had made a plan. I would try to my best ability to get on his good side, even if it meant submitting to him. I thought that if I didn't fight him off, if I was as kind as I could be, that maybe he would let me go.

I cleared my throat nervously, leaning up against the doorframe as I continued to watch him from behind, preparing to speak up. "What are you making..?" I questioned him, my voice so quiet, even I could barely make out what I had said.

He turned his head for a quick moment to look at me before returning it back to whatever he was fixing up. "Something for you to eat.. a-are you hungry?" He asked as he turned around to face me, holding a plate containing some sort of sandwich and a few crackers in one hand and a water bottle in the other.

He then made his way towards the dining table, setting them down as he sat on a chair, patting the one next to him. "Sit." He ordered, his tone seeming quite stern.

I quickly did as I was told, shuffling over to the table myself, sitting down next to him. I looked down at the food in front of me, biting my lip as I contemplated whether I should eat it or not. My mind told me no in fear of the possibility that he could've laced the food with something, but my stomach, on the other hand, told me yes. I was dehydrated and starved, I knew that if I didn't eat, my body would shut down.

That being enough to scare me, I hesitantly picked up the sandwich, slowly taking a tiny bite. I could almost feel the mans glare as i avoided eye contact to my best ability. It felt quite good to be eating again after days without food, I couldn't help but to scarf the rest of the sandwich down quite quickly.

I soon finished all the simple foods and the water that he provided me and I began to feel my energy rejuvenate. My body felt less weak and for the first time since I got here, I felt okay.

I lifted my head up and looked over Toby, only to be met with him smiling from ear to ear. This smile was different, though. It wasn't like the others. It was so genuine and warm, almost..comforting, in a weird way. It reminded me a lot of how he used to smile.

His smile was always contagious to me, this case wasn't different. I tried my hardest to fight it off, but I couldn't. A small smile soon grew present on my face, earning an even bigger smile from him.

For a moment there it reminded me of a better time. Though it was so long ago, the happiest times of my life was when I was with him. Laughing, playing, having fun. He was there for me when I had nobody, and I should've done the same.

Hello everyone! I know this chapter was a bit boring, but I have lots more ideas for the future chapters now. I just wanted to say thank you again for all the nice comments that I have received, they make me feel so happy.

art © lynnarty

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