Chapter 6: The Morning After

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Jack's POV

I woke up with my arms wrapped around Jenn's waist. Her head had taken refuge in the crook of my neck and her arm sat quietly on my chest, as I felt her calming intakes of breath on the tip of my chin. For a moment, I thought about what it woud be like to live this way. To wake up next to her everyday, to hear her laugh, see her smile-- every single day. But all too quickly, reality hits me, and I realize that that will never happen. 2 words: Harrison Webb.

When I first found out about Harrison and her, I was pretty mad--furious even. But then I realized that Jenn was never mine to keep. At no time did I ever anticipate her waiting for me to build up enough courage to somehow profess my love for her, and yet, that's exactly what I expected. What was I thinking?! Someone as perfect as her waiting for a guy like me to figure out how to ask a girl on a date. But now she's Harrison's.

I suddenly felt Jenn shift in my arms.

"Hey," she whispered as she tilted her head up to took at me, her arm still on my chest.

"Hey," I yawned, trying to make it look as if I had just woken up.

"How long have you been awake?" she asked, starting to unconsciously stroke my chest--which I didn't mind at all.

"Not too long," I said, smiling down at her. For a moment we just stared at eachother, and I swear, if it weren't for self control, I wouldn't have been able to stop myself from kissing her right then. But my thoughts were quickly cut off as she sat up.

"Well," she smiled as she smoothed through her hair, "I should probably get going."

"You should at least stay for breakfast." I said, also getting up. "I do make a pretty mean pancake."

"Please Jack, I've seen you cook. Make way for the real Martha Stewart," she laughed. We spent the rest of the morning laughing as we cosntantly burned pancakes. And by the end of it all, we were both covered in dried pancake mix. 

"Well, that last batch of pancakes weren't that bad," Jenn laughed.

"Only took a good 24 tries, 'Martha'," I smirked. 

"Hey! At least--" Jenn was cut off as her phone buzzed with a notification. I watched as her eyes suddenly widened at her phone screen.

"Oh crap." she said, facepalming herself. 

"You okay?" I asked, concerned. 

"Yeah, no, umm, it's just that I completely forgot that I have a lunch date with Harrison in like 20 minutes." 

"Oh." I said, somewhat dissapointed. 

"Can I take a quick shower here?" Jenn asked, looking down at her clothes that were now covered in pancake mix. 

"Uhh yeah sure, second door to the left," I replied.

About a minute later I heard the water in my bathroom turn on, and suddenly, it was just me and my thoughts. In these few moments of silence, I couldn't help but be angry at Harrison for once again, cutting off my relationship with Jenn. But I can't stay mad at him. After all, it's not his fault for falling for someone like Jenn--I mean, I certainly did. As I looked at the pancake mix scattered across my kitchen floor, I realized that this could be one of the last mornings I could actually spend with Jenn. One of the last mornings before she goes into a relationship where she won't have time for me anymore.

Before I could do anything else, I suddenly heard the water in my shower turn off, and the next thing I knew, Jenn walked out in a towel, her wet hair sticking to her moist skin. I had never seen Jenn like this, so I couldn't help but stare.

"Hey, sorry, but can I borrow like a sweatshirt or something?" she asked from the bathroom door. I nodded, still unable to make a sound. 

Jenn flew into my room, and was out a minute later with one of my old sweatshirts from Connecticut on. As she stopped in front of my door, she sighed. 

After a moment of silence, Jenn softly asked as she faced my door, "Do you think I'm doing the right thing? Going on this date with Harrison? I mean, what if I screw it up?"  

I stood up and walked over to her, putting my hands on her shoulders and turning her around to face me. 

"Jenn, he asked you out. As much as I hate to admit it, if he sees you the way I see you, he's probably in love with you." I said, as I stared into her eyes without realizing what I was saying. 

"What do you mean 'if he see you the way--'" She began, but was cut off as her phone buzzed with another notification. 

"It's Harrison," she said, looking down at her phone. "I should get going, but I liked today. Maybe we could do this again." And with one last smile at me, she was out the door and gone. 

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