Chapter Three

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Shigaraki knew his brother's path home like the back of his hand. So when he couldn't find anything that even suggested his brother went down this path, well he was panicking. Running towards the middle school he hoped his brother didn't do anything stupid, Tomura knew of Kacchan's bullying after all. On more than one occasion he had offered to disintegrate the boy but Izuku declined like always, he was too kind for his own good.

The middle school was in sight and he was relieved to not see anyone, specifically with green hair, on the roof.

"Okay Tomura think, where would Izuku go?" he said to himself whilst scratching his neck.

Pulling out his phone he got onto the "Find My Phone" app, put in his brother's phone number into it and looked at the map. Izuku was...under a bridge? Well, at least it was only a short run away from here. So he did what any good brother would do, he ran like hell.

When a tuft of green hair became visible to Shigaraki he began sprinting. There laid his brother on his back, he was clearly unconscious. Using only his middle and pointer finger Tomura felt for a pulse. He sighed a huge breath of relief when he felt the steady thump of Izuku's heart. Every rise and fall of his brother's chest let him know Izuku was fine, he would be fine. His hand flew into his pocket and pulled out his phone. It wasn't anything special but he liked the simplicity of it. Tomura dialed the number by muscle memory and prayed to god that Kurogiri would pick up even if he knew he would. The day Kurogiri missed a phone call would be the end of the world.

"Hello?" Kurogiri's deep voice came through

"Kurogiri, I need some help over here. It's Izuku."


The world came to Izuku like a slap in the face, nothing gradual about it. His head pounded and he was grateful the room he was in was dark. After taking a moment to adjust to the pain and the dark Izuku looked around the room. It was his room, his room that was filled with All Might merchandise everywhere. Recent memories flooded Izuku's head and he was taken over by anger. He ran to the light switch and flicked it on and then got to work. The first things to go were the posters that lined his wall, with a scream of rage Izuku ripped them off and tore them to shreds. Next were the figurines that were broken beyond repair and laid in the pile of posters that looked more like confetti.

Anger quickly vanished and sadness took over. Kacchan was right, he could never be a hero. Izuku sunk to his knees as tears streamed down his face. His sobs got harder and harder, being blinded by his tears Izuku couldn't see that his door had been opened. All he felt was two pairs of arms wrap around him and pull him into a hug. Izuku's heavy eyes close once more and he drifts off into a dreamless sleep.


All for One seethed in anger, Kurogiri had told him what happened. He wasn't angry at Izuku, no, he was furious at All Might. Because he knew that man had done something to his son, Izuku adored All Might so he wouldn't have destroyed every All Might themed thing he owned. The fact that they found Izuku unconscious was very concerning, well at least he wouldn't have to show him the bad of All Might like he was planning.


When Izuku woke up the sun was shining through his curtains and his room was cleaned of the trash from last nights events. His eyes glanced to the alarm clock on his bedside table, it was eleven forty-three. Lunchtime. Izuku's stomach growled as he opened the door to the hallway, from the hallway he could hear the familiar sound of Tomura playing video games in his room. A delightful smell came from the kitchen as Izuku entered the bar area that served as a living room and dining room as well.

Kurogiri came out from the kitchen behind the bar carrying two plates. Not seeing or hearing Izuku standing in the doorway he turns, looks at the clock, and then sighs. It seems he had a tendency to do that when it comes to these boys. Noticing that Kurogiri didn't see him Izuku decided the best option was to awkwardly clear his throat. Kurogiri jumped at the noise opening a portal on reflex underneath the cause of the said sound, aka Izuku.

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