Chapter 6

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Everything felt wrong. For starters, the tie was too tight and his jacket was too stiff. The white button-up underneath felt twisted around his stomach and the pants were slightly too big. The only comfort Izuku had were his red shoes that matched his brothers in color, they were his shoes. Izuku was a spy, he didn't belong to UA. Maybe that's why the uniform felt off on him. It was also likely because he tied his tie wrong.

Walking down the halls of UA was hard on his anxiety, he had suffered from it for as long as he could remember. People bumping into him, the talking, the sounds, it was too much. A hand on his shoulder, he turned and met brown. Brown hair, brown eyes, blush permanently on her cheeks, and a concerned frown.

"Are you okay?" her eyes looked into his

"H-huh? Oh, y-yeah I'm fine don't worry about me. Do you, by chance, know where class 1-A is?"

The girl's eyes lit up "You're in class 1-A too? I hope we can be great friends! Oh, my name is Uraraka Ochako."

"N-Nice to meet you Uraraka, I'm Izuku Midoriya."

Beneath the anxiety of meeting someone new in an unfamiliar place, Izuku was glad he wasn't an anxious sweater. He could only imagine what he would look like if he was, drenched probably and highly embarrassed.

"Do you mind if we walk to class together?" Uraraka asked

"Not at all!" Izuku replied a little too loud

Side by side they walked to Izuku's mission, once he entered that classroom there would be no going back. Fear built deep down in Izuku slowly making itself known with every step, what if it would be just like middle school. Stuck in a classroom he didn't want to be in whilst surrounded by people who hated him, Izuku knew he shouldn't get attached. These students would hate him once the plan was complete, it would hurt less if he had no emotional ties to them. Anything to make his father proud. This girl was leading him to her own doom and funny enough he was blushing.


Kurogiri missed his good child. It had only been a couple of hours but Shigaraki was a mess without Izuku, the co-dependency the boys had was not healthy in truth. But it kept them going so that was enough for their sort-of-mother Kurogiri. In the living room area, he could see Tomura playing a video game. A smile came to his face when he saw the coverings on Tomura's pinkies that Izuku made him, he never wore them around Izuku but always had them on when his brother was gone. These boys would be the death of him. A chuckle escaped Kurogiri and caused Tomura to look over at his, which in turn lead to him dying in the game.

"ShiT!" Shigaraki yelled

"Hey, what did I say about cursing?" Kurogiri scolded with the smile still there 


Izuku felt the urge to bolt when he saw the door, nope he wasn't made for this mission. But then father would be disappointed and he couldn't stand that.

(He didn't want his father to abandon him too)

The memories Izuku had of his mother were few and far between. They had lived in an apartment, it was small but cozy. She had green hair like his and her favorite outfit was a white button-up shirt under a pink cardigan with a blue skirt. He'd get a letter every so often, but they would be in English and he didn't know English. Never the less, he would pin them on his wall just proving to himself that she existed. 

Katsuki, upon seeing Izuku, decided that he wasn't going to wait for that shit nerd to get out of his head. So Katsuki did what any hormonal teen with explosion quirks would do, he punched Izuku. With an explosion of course, because why wouldn't he. Izuku, who had not been aware of his staring into space, reeled back when he felt pain on his cheek. 

"What the hell are you doing here, Deku?" Katsuki half yelled half growled 

In the background, a blue-haired teen spoke: "That is not appropriate behavior for a hero!"

"I-I don't know myself Kacchan, I swear I didn't sign up for the heroes course!" Izuku pleaded

Bakugou sneered "Then why are you staring into space in the doorway of class 1-A, Deku? This is for heroes only, not for a quirkless nobody like yourself." 

Right, nothing would change when it came to Kacchan. He was just a useless Deku who couldn't do anything right and would probably disappoint his familyandthenhewouldbeallaloneand- 

 "If you're here to make friends I would suggest leaving now." A new but familiar voice came from behind Izuku

"It took you eight seconds to quiet down, time is precious so don't waste mine. Now everyone, find your seats."

The man (caterpillar??) had a face Izuku knew he had seen before. Oh. Oh shit, it's Eraserhead. 

"I'm going to be your homeroom teacher, my name is Aizawa Shouta." He glanced at Izuku slightly longer than the others  "Now, I want everyone to get their gym clothes on and meet me on the field. Izuku."

Once again Izuku was grateful he wasn't a nervous sweater "Yes,  Erase- um Aizawa-Sensei?"  

"Stay back for a couple of minutes I want to talk to you." 


Aizawa wasn't a stupid man, he knew that this situation was to be taken delicately. If this child, my god he's only a child,  is a spy then you can't come out with the guns blazing from the start. No, make him trust you first. Then, and only then, can you try to get to the secrets. So, needless to say, when he asked Izuku to stay back he knew exactly what he was doing. 

"Izuku calm down I just want to clarify some things." My god, he could just see the stress in this kid "I know you have some questions but hold them until I am finished talking." 

Nodding his head Izuku replied "Okay Sensei." 

"So, I understand you are quirkless. I also understand that you applied for General Education. First of all, I would like you to know I was the one who recommended you for the hero course. I saw you during the written test and saw the personality of a hero in you. I did make sure to talk to the angry blond first though."

"You mean Kacchan?"

"Yes, him. He told me how you had wanted to be a hero so I decided to give you a chance. Since I essentially fight quirkless I thought that after school you would like to train with me one on one." 

A smile grace Izuku's lips " That would be wonderful!" 

Good, it was working "Go meet your classmates on the field, and we can start after school practice tomorrow." 

Izuku followed his instructions and left to the field, gym clothes in hand. 





I'm so sorry for not posting in a long time. I had really bad writer's block and lost my motivation for writing. But now I'm back and have a new fire blazing in the form of inspiration! 

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Sep 17, 2019 ⏰

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