Chapter Four

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All Might's stomach twisted, it was days after speaking to that green headed boy yet he still felt guilty. Internally he was fighting with himself. On one hand, the boy would be happy and not broken as he looked, on the other he could get killed in the line of fire and Toshinori couldn't have that on his conscious. Eraserhead would have just expelled him anyway, that he was sure of. Yes, he was doing the boy a favor. Yagi couldn't wait to help the next generation of heroes. 


UA loomed over Izuku. His dream school was right there, and yet his heart felt like it was pounding right out of his chest. Izuku had a job to do, he would do anything for his family without hesitation. The green haired boy supposed this was how he got into this mess in the first place. No, it wasn't his families fault. It was the heroes fault for starting this in the first place. It was All Mights fault. 

If he wanted a chance to get in he would have to go through General Education, while UA excepted quirkless students now it doesn't stop them from finding reasons to deny them. Izuku wanted to do his job right, he wanted to make his dad proud. He was going to spy on the hero class and they'll never know. To do that, all Izuku has to do is take a test. 

Izuku came relatively early, and by early he meant that there were only fifty other people with him. He sat patiently in the testing room, no one sat beside him yet. Bored, Izuku pulled out his phone to text his brother. 

DangerousBroccoli: Sup Tomu 

Jazzhands: Aren't you supposed to be taking a test rn? 

DangerousBroccoli: yeah but like I'm super early and bored 

Jazzhands: Study or something, I gotta go.

DangerousBroccoli: Rude 

Swiping out of the text app Izuku pulls up his game folder but nothing seemed interesting. Out of pure boredom, Izuku decided to check an app that he hadn't in months. Tunblr. His dash was full of memes and per usual his posts only had one or two likes. Izuku's eyes wandered across the screen settling on a notification for a message. Eyes squinted in confusion Izuku opened up the message, who would message him

They-are-fangs-darling: Hi! 

A simple two-letter word that drew him in, curiosity would always be his downfall.

EvilGreens: Hi? 

EvilGreens: Who are you?

More people entered the testing room, Izuku didn't notice. 

 They-are-fangs-darling: Asking for my name on the third message? Moving a little quickly, aren't we?

A blush spread across Izuku's cheeks. 

EvilGreens: No, I didn't mean it like that! I was just curious.

They-are-fangs-darling: Just joking! Call me Toga 

A shadow loomed over Izuku, he looked up to the face of pure rage. Freckled cheeks went pale, Izuku knew exactly who this was. 

"K-Kacchan..." Izuku gulped 

"Tch. What are you doing here Deku? I already told you you'll never get into the heroes course." Bakugou growled 

"I'm applying for Gen Ed, I'm just here to take the test." Izuku's voice was dull 

Bakugou's eyes widened, his Deku finally lost his hero dream. A smirk graced his lips at the thought of that, he finally learned his place. After setting his bag under his testing seat Bakugou sat down...right beside Deku. Even in a room with hundreds of applicants they still were together. 

The room quickly filled to its capacity and teachers started to walk in. A phone bucket was passed down each row of students and the speaking teacher walked up to the podium. Yellow hair, a mustache, glasses, headphones, Izuku knew exactly who this was. This was the Present Mic. With nothing to write his thoughts down Izuku took to mumbling them instead, it was a habit he took up years ago and could never seem to get rid of.  

A sideway's glare was sent Izuku's direction by not one but two people. One was from Kacchan which was expected, but the other was sent from a blue-haired boy Izuku had never seen before. Everyone turned their attention to the front when Present Mic started to speak, or maybe speak wasn't the right word. No, he yelled. 

"HELLO, STUDENTS!" Izuku winced 

No one said hello back. A teacher motioned to him to turn down the voice level. 

"Today you will be taking your entrance exams, there will be four tests over the common core subjects. These include math, science, history, and grammar." 


Izuku was sure he passed, hell with his father's rapid-fire study technique he wouldn't be surprised if he aced some of them. Absentmindedly he wondered what the exam for the hero course was like, what could have been if he had a quirk. His fist's clenched, this world was so unfair. How could one person have so much power while another has none, the world would be better quirkless. Izuku was sure of that. 


Aizawa was tired, Hizashi had kept him up all night by singing in his sleep. One day he was going to duck tape that mans mouth closed. Fun fact: Hizashi can use his quirk in his sleep. That was a fact Aizawa knew too well, that's why he had a jar of earplugs on his bedside table. But today was different, watching these students taking four tests was tiring for a whole other reason. 

For one he had to make sure no one was using their quirks to help them cheat on the test. Already a few had tried but were confused when their quirk had stopped working. Aizawa drifted his gaze across the lecture hall, landing on one boy in particular. Green curly hair and freckles on his cheeks, he looked very plain. Yet something was bothering Aizawa. Maybe it was the fact that this boy had finished the test before everyone else. No, he's seen that plenty of times. 

It was his demeanor, Aizawa decided. The way his eyes looked extremely nervous and his fist clenched on the desk. But then his eyes looked angry, scarily angry. They would have to keep an eye on that boy, Aizawa made a note to get that boy into his class.


Izuku drifted back to reality, he was feeling watched. He looked around the testing room trying to find the source of the uncomfortable feeling. Green eyes met black, black eyes looked away quickly. Izuku relaxed as other people finished their tests, this would be over soon. But he could help but wonder why that man was looking at him. 


After the tests, the green haired boy left quickly. Aizawa had seen him talk to the blond next to him as if he knew him, luckily that boy hadn't left yet. Quickly Aizawa climbed the stairs to the level the blond sat at. 

"Hey, blond kid." Aizawa's voice could just be heard over the chatter of the other testers

The blond kid looked up "Yeah, what do you want?" 

"Do you know that green haired boy next to you?" 

The kid looked bewildered "Deku? Yeah, we grew up together."

"Does he want to be a hero?" 

The boys' eyes narrowed "Only his whole life."

Aizawa smiled "Perfect." 



Izuku walked back into the bar he called home "Kurogiri, a shot of the usual." 

Kurogiri sighed "Yes, Izuku." 

After sitting at the bar Kurogiri placed a shot glass full of milk in front of Izuku. Careful not to spill any, Izuku threw his head back drinking the milk at once. 

"Ah, that hit the spot. Thank you Kurogiri!" Izuku smiled 

Kurogiri picked up the glass and started to clean it "You're welcome, Izuku." 

A/N: sorry for not updating for a while, I re-wrote this chapter so many times.

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