Part 11: Parental Demands

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Scene 15:

The trip to Wiltshire had taken him longer than expected.  It wasn't that he was fashionably late. No, he was extremely late. By at least twenty minutes. Not a long period of time to most, but to his father, a chasm of disrespect and possibly dishonor. 

Draco stood at the head of the lane leading up to Malfoy Manor. The estate of the esteemed and wealthy family had existed for ten centuries and for Draco that meant he was expected to help carry it for ten more. Nothing was more important to the Malfoy line than family. Well, that and prestige.

As he started up the drive toward the porch of the large mansion, he wondered what excuse to use, knowing full well no explanation would be acceptable for being late for dinner. It's wasn't often they ate as a family, seeing he was housed at Hogwarts most of the year, but on rare occasions they would request his presence. This was one of those times.

As he reached the first porch step, the front door opened. On instinct, Draco ducked behind a row of bushes. A short, squat figure stepped out on the porch. He should have known by the unusual car that had been parked out front. He should have realized that anyone who drove such a thing couldn't be trusted. The horrid peacock colored VW Beetle resembled its owner in both fashion sense and size. Mrs Umbridge would have thought that a compliment, though it really wasn't.

She looked back at Lucius Malfoy, who did not escort her any further than the door. "I did not wish to be one to bear such news," she was saying. "However, if things are to proceed on its present course through the ministry's wishes, we need everyone to step up and toe the line." With that she tried to look into the elder Malfoy's eyes, but she was way too short to reach that height, even on tiptoe.  "You know what is at stake. And what is required of your family," she added with an air of superiority.

Lucius looked like he could wrap his long fingers around her throat at this reminder. "I am well aware of what I need to do, Dolores Jane," he said with an apparent stab at her familiarity. "The Ministry can always depend on my support. And that of my entire family."

She smiled condescendingly and said nothing more. Instead, she turned her back to him and started down the steps. He didn't wait for her to reach bottom before he turned on his booted heels and returned to the depths of the manor.

Watching Umbridge get in her Volkswagon and drive away, Draco came out of his hiding place. He looked up to the house, realizing his father had left the door wide open. He knew then Lucius had been aware of his presence, and so there was nothing left to do but go inside and face the music.

Mounting the steps with a sense of dread, he entered the hall and closed the door behind him. The lock made a resounding echo, and though that sound could be frightening bouncing off the walls of the ancient manor, it still wasn't as terrifying as the inescapable cellar in the lower depths of the place. Draco certainly appreciated that difference as he walked down the hall to the dining room.

In the great hall his parents waited. Narcissa, his mother, scowled in his direction as he approached the table. "Draco, " she said, her voice low. "We are disappointed in you. You know how much we value...."

"You will not see the mudblood again," Lucius interrupted. If his mother was trying to approach things diplomatically, then his father was the supreme commander.

Draco opened his mouth to speak but his father silenced him with a stern look. "You will not taint centuries of pure blood with that of a filthy muggle."

"It's not like that..."

"Then tell us what it's like," Narcissa replied. "Professor Umbridge saw the two of you. Kissing."

"I know, mother. But it was just a little...."

"It doesnt matter what it was," Lucius spoke angrily. "Outside of your studies you will not see her. I mean really Draco, Hermione Granger? Out of all the girls you could take an interest in and you have the boldest disrespect to pick her?! Not only a mudblood, but she is best friends with...with...Potter."

That last word he spoke as if it were venom he were trying to spit out of his mouth and to Draco it was much the same. For years the name of Harry Potter had been the excruciating thorn in his side. Always Potter. Special Potter. The boy who freaking lived. And Draco ...he had been made to feel  as if he were nothing. No use to anyone. Worthless next to Harry. Even next to Weasley. Until Hermione. His mind stopped swirling madly. A calm came over him. I am worth something to someone, he thought. To Hermione I am somebody. Does she love me? She hasnt said. But she wants to be with me. To hold me, kiss me, love...

"The muggle doesn't love you, Draco," his mother interjected as if she could see the wheels turning in his head. "She doesn't even want you. Not really." Narcissa stood and Draco saw his father smile in approval. "She is using you to destroy us. Our friends. Our livelihood. Our position and power depends on you. And she is trying to distract you."

Lucius looked at him grimly. "You will not unmake everything we have achieved. We have worked tirelessly to restore our position, and now sides are being made and you will not associate with those who would undermine our efforts. You will cease this...whatever it is...with the Granger girl. Am I understood?"

Draco was silent. His head was truly spinning now. Hermione? Using me? Impossible. She cares, I know she does. She...

Lucius banged his fist on the table. "AM I UNDERSTOOD!!"

Draco snapped to attention. "Yes sir!" he blurted out.

"What was that?"

"Yes sir."

"Yes sir, what?"

"I will not see her anymore "

"See who?" his father pushed. He was going to make him say it. To make an oath of words.

"Hermione Granger."

Both his mother and father smiled. Draco forced one himself, but already he was thinking of her again.

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