what's wrong with me(fluff)

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Warning: nothing just Fluff~

     I walk into the library after falling asleep in Sam and I's shared room, I've been so tired lately and I don't know why I'm usually an active person. I frown and look in the boys are eating cheese burgers and frys and for some reason it makes me really upset. "you got food with out me?" I asked the boys look at me "ah yeah" dean replied "you could've woken me up" I said as my voice breaks alittle, oh my god what's wrong with me. so the boys don't see my tears I quickly go to our room I shut the door and lean against it "what the hell was that?" I whispered to myself looking down and into space. "is everything okay?" Cas's voice makes me jump a little I look.

    "Shit cas...i don't know I've been not myself lately, just now I got emotional because the boys got food without me and I've been very tired recently" castiel nods and strolls over to me and places his hand on my shoulder and he closes his eyes like he searching for something his eyebrows rise like in shock then opens his eyes "the only thing I felt different was .....your with child" my eyes widen then blink a couple of times then slowly i start to smile and look down at my stomach then slide my hand onto it "congratulations" cas whispered then flys away but I didn't notice it I stay this way for awhile, I've never been a mother before oh God what am I going to do, "Baby", ha yeah baby, "are you okay" sam asked, oh shit sam, I quickly get off the door and start folding my clean clothes.

    I hear the door open I close my eyes take a deep breath and let it out "honey" sam come up to me and hugs me from behind "Sam I need to tell you something" I stated turning around face him he's frowning "you ah know how I've haven't been myself lately" he nods I sit and he follows "well um I dont know how your going to feel about this but um.." I start "just tell me" sam stated I jump "I'm um pregnant...." I look down at my fingers waiting for the blow when he says nothing I look up at him and he's somewhat smiling at me "baby" he grabs my hand and holds onto my third finger "you see this" he points at the wedding ring on it I galp and nod "that means love and love turns into a family, honey, I'm not mad I'm actually excited" I frown at him "I thought because of the hunting business you didn't want one".

     Sam snickers and stands making me follow "ha yeah at first I didn't, but when I met you that all changed when I'm with you I want all of that your the only person I want that with and now.." he get on his knees and hugs my waist rest his head on my belly "I have you and our growing family" I smile and wrap my arms around his neck he stands bringing me with him he holds onto me smiling at me I giggle "how far along are you" he asked "I don't know I just found out by cas right before you came in" sam gazes at me smiling "what?" I asked smiling back "I love you...so much" sam whispered I lean down and kiss him "what's the celebration?" Dean's voice makes us jump sam sets me to my feet "let me give you a big fat hint" I walk over to him grabbing his hand and placing it on my belly dean frowns not getting it at first then his eyes widen "I'm going to be an uncle?" I smile so does sam I nod dean picks me up and spins me around "ah dean I don't think you should do that" sam stated he stop and I start to feel real nauseous he sets me down "oh god" I cover my mouth and run to the bathroom and vomit hard "ohhh ...sorrry".

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