The Future (Fluff)

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      "Sam! Watch out!" I run in front of Sam and get blasted with blue hot flames I groan and gal to the ground "Y/N!" Both sam and Dean yell before I black out I see Sam and Dean running towards me "Sam..." then just dark black.

Sams pov~
Dean drives quickly towards the bunker Y/N lays unconsciously on my lap tears fall down my cheeks as I see blood running out of her chest "damn it Y/N why, why did you do that" I whispered sniffing and wiping my nose "because she in love with you man"dean speaks up I frown and looking at him "and not my love either, Sam,... I can't believe you didn't notice it"I squeeze my eyes shut and shake my leg quickly worriedly "Dean you need to hurry p-please"my voice cracks in the sentence as I continue to cry worriedly I look down at her and move some hair out of the way and caress her cheek "I'm going as fast as I can, don't worry Sam my we'll save her"I bite my lip as I stare at her beautiful face I scoot her closer to my chest and kiss her unresponsive lips then hugging her. I lay her down on her bed gently "Sam?" I quickly stand straight it's cas "car please save her....I-I love her"my heart races at my words he quickly nods walks over to her and heals her but nothing happens she doesn't wake up I frown and look at cas "why isn't she waking up" he frowns "she's in a coma" my eyes widen and I grab her dark chair grabbing her hand and holding it to my lips "is it true" I asked closing my eyes "yes, she's in love with you" my eye squint harder letting tears fall down my cheeks "you as well, have for a while now" he response "I took to long and now it's to late"I feel a hand on my shoulder I look and it mom I sniff and stand hugging her "she'll come back, honey, I promise" Mary stated running my back.

My pov~ 

     I wake up with strong arms around me i slowly open my eyes, why am i in Sam's room, i frown start to move turning around my frown deepens and turn around i gasp as I'm shock to see Sam my eyes widen I reach up but stop when I see a wedding ring on my ring finger my eyes almost pop out of my head and I quickly sit up looking at it there's a quote taking it off and reading it.

From that day I will
Never forget

I slowly put it back on and look around there's pictures of us and Dean mostly us hugging and kissing what looks to be good memories I smile then frown, what is happening what is this, then suddenly I feel a wave of nausea I clench my mouth get up and run go to Sam's bathroom then throwing up. I lean against the shower whipping my mouth I hear a quiet groan and someone walking I see Sam entire the bathroom his eyes widen and runs to me "are you okay?" He asked "I don't know I just felt sick" Sam frowns then smiles I lift up an eyebrow "what?" I stated cautiously "your pregnant" my eyes widen then another wave of nausea comes over me and turn towards the toilet and throw up Sam snickers and runs my back.

Sam's pov~

    I frown down at Y/N "come back to me Y/n"I whispered into our intertwined hands "Sammy?" I look and it's dean "yeah dean" I whispered "you need to take a break and sleep dude you haven't really slept sense she's been like this" i clench my jaw together frowning "come on, Sam" I close my eyes and sigh "your right" kissing her hand and gently setting it down walking to the door stopping and looking at her one more time then leaving and going to the kitchen and getting a cup of water suddenly in being spun around its Y/N she grabs my face and kisses me.

My pov~

     "Sam I can't get that can you please" I stated looking at him he smiles and stands walking over to me grabbing a bowl I wanted then leans down and kissing me i grab the bowl but he won't let go I yank but still nothing I giggle into the kiss "Sam let go" I mumble against his his lips he snickers "no" he whispered I poke his side and he lets go "I love you" Sam stated staring down at me I smile up at him "and I you Sam Winchester" Sam state at my growing belly placing his hand on it "God I can't believe how big your getting" he said as walks away "yeah of course, it's father is a moose..." then I start to feel really dizzy and the room starts to spin Sam chuckles I fall to the floor and all I see is Sam running towards me then just dark. I jolt awake gasping "Y/N?" I look beside me and Dean is there, wheres Sam, I get up and run out of the room and pass by all the rooms until I get to the kitchen and I see him his back to me I go to him quickly and spin him around he looks at me with shock I grab his face and kiss him hard and passionate whatever was in his hand drops and shatters on the ground and wraps his arms around me picking me up and holding me against his chest I wrap my arms around his neck I look at him then resting my head in the crook of his neck he sighs "I'm in love with you" I whispered I can feel his smiles "I am too ever sense we met" Sam replied I look at him and smile "I think I saw our future when I was down" I stated quietly Sam nods "mm the future" I giggle and he snickers.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

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