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    I'm walking down the road, I am 21 and in my sophomore year of university.

    Allison is next to me, damn she's beautiful. She's not much taller than she was, but still not as tall as me. I smile at the sight of her.

    We are downtown, passing by several shops, heading to lunch, a burger shop, "Hop's Burg Joint." An original name. I knew the owner, Jeff Hop, he's a friend from some college classes. He dropped out last semester to open his shop. I go to Appalachian University, where my older sister went. (I'm wearing an app uni shirt and coat) Allison has on a CNU jacket, she had made it into CNU before she graduated high school, but didn't start until the semester after. 

    Wait.... Something isn't right....

    A sudden brightness floods my sight, it sounds like a loud screeching, I can't see. 

    I hear a scream, it's Allison! I try to find her, but I'm blinded by a mess of fallen bricks and fire, smoke filling the air and taking up the complete volume of my lungs and vision. I can't move, I now see blackness.

    Everything is dark, a large piece of concrete is pressing down on my chest, I can't feel one of my legs. I can't breathe, I hear Allison crying out my name, but I lose it, it vanishes. 

    The next thing I know, I faintly hear sirens, crying, worry, orders being yelled back and forth, I can make out Allison's shaky voice trembling out the words of what just happened. I can hear rocks and ruble being shifted near me.

"Hey! Over her! I found someone!" 

"On it!"

    I feel hands rushing to check over the the weight on my chest, I finally open my eyes, everything is foggy....

"He's awake!!"

"Sir, can here me? Nod once if you can hear me."

    I nodded once, just barely, I feel the blood rise in my throat and fall back down into my stomach. Every shallow breath I can feel the thick liquid rasp and bubble against the inside of my lungs. 

"Alright, there's a piece of re-bar through one of your hips. We need to move this piece of concrete off of your chest, when I say go, you need to hold your breath for me, okay? nod once if you understand."

    I nodded weakly again.

"Okay, one, two, GO!" 

    I gasp in my breath and hold it, I felt my chest expand without the weight on it anymore, I heard a loud crash next to me, I assume it's the concrete. A medic comes rushing over, I still can't see a whole lot.

"Sir, let out your breath slowly."

    I did so, and within an instant, I felt like I was suffocating, like my rib cage had collapsed and my lungs were being flattened. I felt the thick liquid rise out of my stomach and into my mouth, dripping and gushing out of me. I tasted the iron and knew immediately what it was, blood. I saw nothing but black again. All the noise around me became jumbled voices, and sounds, I can't make anything out of it. 

I feel myself being lifted carefully. I've no idea what's going on, but I feel a smaller hand grasp onto mine tightly as she cries, I assume it's Allison's. I feel a slight jerk on my whole body, like a vehicle is taking off and I'm in it.

      _Allison's POV_

    All I can do was hold his hand. I had been checked over, they put one of my arms in a sling and said I had a concussion, but it was amazing how I wasn't injured any more than I was. I WAS STANDING THREE FEET FROM THE INITIAL EXPLOSION. I am still shocked. All I want is Nate right now, but he's unconscious, covered in blood and still has a slight trickle coming from his mouth. Luci appears next to me, then Kris, then Liam. 

"What the actual hell happened?" Luci began to me over like I was a younger sibling or some shit. 

"An explosion, it was completely random and they haven't found a cause yet. It came practically out of no where." I responded, shoving his hands off of me, again.

"Here." He did his best to heal my arm and head, it felt better to not have a pounding headache. I looked past him at Nate, who was still there. "I can't heal him, he's not technically family."

    I snapped my head at him, "What?" I asked, I could just stare.

"Nothing!!" He looked a bit nervous and disappeared again. Kris and Liam stared at each other, confused as hell. 

"...." I sigh, looking at Nate again.

"He'll be ok, Allison." Kris said reassuringly, "He's strong."

"I know he is." I didn't look at Kris or Liam as they sat down next to me.

    It took forever, but we finally arrived at the emergency unit and they took him back to an OR immediately to stop the bleeding a re-support his crushed rib cage. I stood, I took off the sling my arm was in and threw it aside on a small table they sitting there. I pace.

And Pace.

And Pace..

and pace....

and pace......

a n d p a c e 

         Ie{f}A(i)M(c)vN(a)e{i}O(n)rT(t)yO{x}t(b)Kh(r)i(e)n{m}g h(a)u(t){e}r(h)t(e)s    [Nate's thought]

    I finally sit down, on the floor, and take out my phone, I suppose I should call his mom and sister, so I do.

Thank you guys so so much! I'm working on the first few chapters right now, hopefully they'll start going out next week! (even though I'm on vacay with my school marching band) I'll keep my regular updating schedule of a chapter a day except on weekends and if something comes up, I'll let you guys know! I also might be launching my first fanfic later this month, which I'll be alternating updates by day. Again, huge thanks to you guys who keep reading my stories!!

Into The Dream ScapeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon