Part3: For what is a Sibling?

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      Allison's POV

    I'm on my way to visit Nate, they moved him to a hospital in Johnson City, it's about the midway point of his family and all his friends, so it worked out. I was told he had a fit and left his room, yelling at one of the nurses, so I was kind of worried about him. Luci was driving since I was tired from pulling an all-nighter to Study for my course exams next week. 

"You know, Allison, I didn't just, connect with you by chance, right?" He stated, and I woke up a bit.

"What do you mean Luci? You've been here all my life, what the hell re you talking about?" I asked. He gave me kind of a sideways glance.

"Well, we're family." He said it flat out.

"Yeah, I know. You're like a brother to me Luci, what of it?" I'm very confused at this point, I don't have a clue where he's going with this.

"No no, I mean literally FAMILY. By blood. You're my half sibling." I nearly gasp but it catches in my throat.

"Uhm, did you hit your head or something?" I ask, now I'm very confused.

"No, we have the same mother. You're a demon, not a human." He pulls into a restaurant and parks the car, looking at me. "It's complicated, you got placed with your mortal dad, and I found out. I didn't want to leave you here alone. So, I stuck with you hen I could."

"...." I can't say anything, I'm happy, he's my actual brother, but at the same time, I'm angry, why's he only telling me now? "Why are you only telling me now?"

He sighs, "I didn't know how to." 

"Oh, well, now I know. But one question"


"Don't demons have powers? and wings? and stuff like that?"

"Oh, yeah, you do too, they're just suppressed, I'll show you them later." HE says, getting out of the car. "Let's get food first though, ok?"

I nod, getting out after him, stretching, "Sounds good to me."

    We walk in, it's a small little dinner, seems to be family owned. It's clean and smells of good food. I sit down and Luci across from me, picking up his menu and we both sit in silence for a few minutes before a teenage girl comes over asking for our order.

Hey, so uhm, sorry for the short update, I'm trying to keep my eyes open, and I can't. I worked yesterday, I work today, and I have a bunch of state testing coming up. So in the coming weeks, my updates might become a little sparse and irregular. I'm s sorry, but never fear, the author is still here!

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