Chapter 1

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The dance for TRIGGER's debut " Leopard Eyes" was that on a rather difficult level. The series of step sequences came fairly easy to you, but as for the other three...

" Damnit Gaku, the turn is on four not three. Get your shit together before I slap the shit out of you!" Tenn said angrily.

"Don't yell at me like that you little brat! Just worry about your damn self." Gaku said as he gets in Tenn's face. He couldn't stand the little brat.All he ever did was nag about how Gaku isn't doing this right or isn't doing that right.

"Guys, come on. Please don't fight. Let's just take a break and get some of our strength back,okay?". Ryu said as he got in between Gaku and Tenn.Ryu was basically the dad of the group and Gaku and Tenn were the arguing children. They always fought about something and Ryu always had to break them up.

You,on the other hand, weren't yet comfortable with Gaku and Tenn. Their constant arguing and bickering didn't appeal to you. You and Ryu had spoken a bunch of times since your arrival to TRIGGER. You basically consider him a friend.

"Fine." Gaku said as he went over to a spot in the corner of the room to get some water.

"Whatever.." Tenn said as he went over to Gaku and put his headphones in.

Ryu sighed and rubbed his temple slightly. He looked over and noticed that you were still practicing. He walked over to you and gently tapped your shoulder. "Y/N?" he asked.

You took out your headphones and turned to look at Ryu. "Oh, Ryu-san. Is something the matter?" You asked kindly.

"Well, we were all taking a break and I just wanted to know if you wanted anything to eat or drink?"

"Thanks, but I'm fine. I just wanna get as much practice in as possible before next Saturday. I don't want to let you guys down." You said as you ran a hand through your hair.

"You shouldn't practice so hard, Y/N. You could over do it and get hurt and that's the last thing I want happening to you" Ryu said concerned.

"I appreciate you being worried about me, but I know my limits and I just haven't reached them yet"

"Alright, Y/N.. just be careful." Ryu said. He walked away and went to sit between Gaku and Tenn. He grabbed his water bottle and practically chugged it down.

"He's not taking a break?" Gaku asked. He had a bit of concern in his voice,which was unusual for him since he was such a "bad boy"

"Y/N said that he didn't want to disappoint us and that he wanted to get as much practice in as he could" Ryu said as he took a bite into a Bon-Bon

"He shouldn't work this hard. He could hurt himself." Gaku said as he watched you dance.

"That's what I told him, but he still wants to practice." Ryu said, watching as well.

You couldn't help but show off a little bit. You smiled to yourself in the mirror and began your part in the song. You weren't like the other three boys. You had your own kind of sexy, mysterious and innocent look to your movement and voice. You turned around and began your step sequence. You included some small hip movements to bring out the effects of "Leopard Eyes"

Gaku couldn't help but stare at you. It was almost like you set out this trap and he took the bait. It was like you were trying to seduce everyone in the room.

Once your time in the song was over, you stopped dancing. You took out your phone and paused the music. You took out your earbuds and noticed that the boys where starting at you. 'Shit.. they were watching me the entire time!?' You thought to yourself. Of all times for them to be watching you, it had to be when you were going over your part in the debut song. You went and sat in front of Gaku and Ryu. You grabbed a Bon-Bon and drank some water.

"That was amazing, Y/N!" Ryu said, smiling brightly

You smiled, blushing embarrassingly. "T-Thank you, Ryu-san"

"You did really good, but your foot work could be a little less forced. Feel the music and let it move you." Gaku said plainly.

"Oh shut up, Gaku. You're only upset because he dances better than you and knows when to turn correctly." Tenn said. Tenn liked the way you danced and sang, though he'd never admit it out loud. It added a little something they never really had before with just the three of them.

"Tenn.." Ryu said.

"Whatever..Brat." Gaku said. He got up and left the room.

You gave a look at Tenn and Ryu. "I'll be back." You went after Gaku. You opened the door and looked around trying to find a sign of where he could have gone. You didn't know why, but you had a feeling that Gaku would be in the recording studio. You went in that direction and opened the door quietly. He was sitting in a chair listening to the recording of "Leopard Eyes". You knocked gently on the door, hoping he had heard you.

"Go away, Ryu. Just leave me alone please." Gaku said, turning the music up a little more.

"It's not Ryu.. It's Y/N." You said as you went into the studio, closing the door behind you.

"Oh sorry.. Ryu's the one who usually tries to calm me down," Gaku said. He turned down the music and looked at you. "What are you doing here, anyways?"

"Oh well.. I just wanted to say thank you for the advice earlier. I didn't realize that my foot work was a little forced." You said, taking a bow. You had been working so hard not to let the other boys down, that maybe you didn't realize you were forcing yourself to get the routine a little too perfect.

"It's alright.. just try to feel the music. Let the music move you." Gaku said.

You smiled and nodded. You liked Gaku, even if he is a bit intimidating. "Oh and don't let Tenn get to you. I know it's what you guys do, but you shouldn't let him treat you like that. You're a great artist and person. Just ignore his comments or accept them and walk away. That's what I did when I was working with someone similar to Tenn. Eventually, they gave up and stopped nagging at me." You said. You gave Gaku a friendly smile and left the studio. You closed the door and went back to Ryu and Tenn in the Dance Studio.

'Why is he trying to help me?' Gaku thought to himself. He was interested in you, but he'd never say something like that out loud. He can never bring himself to talk to you about non-practice things and ask you on a date. " Maybe Ryu can help me..they seem close enough." Gaku said to himself quietly. He wanted to get close to you but he didn't know how. He didn't know how to approach you. He knew that you found his and Tenn's arguing annoying and that was probably why you gave him advice on how to handle it better. 'I'll ask Ryu about it after practice' He said to himself as he went back into the Dance Studio.

You and Ryu were talking about places to go eat after rehearsal when Gaku walked in. He seemed better after the little talk you guys had. You had hoped that by giving him some advice, that maybe he would talk to you more and not be so reserved. You gave him a small smile as he walked by. He smiled back at you instantly, which made you blush back in response.

"Y/N, are you okay? You look a little flushed all of a sudden." Ryu blurted out loud.

"Oh,um.." You touched your face and held your hand there for a while. "Yeah. I'm fine." You smiled at him hoping he wouldn't press further.

"Alright." Ryu said smiling.

IDOLiSH7 Gaku x TransMale ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now