Chapter 5

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A/N here. I'm sorry I haven't updated in quite a while. I've been dealing with some things and I also had to focus on Drum Major Auditions (for marching band) and I also have had MAJOR writers block. I had originally wrote a flashback for this chapter but I thought it was too soon for that. I really hope you guys are enjoying this story!!


It was time for you and the other two boys to leave and go have lunch with Ryu. "Come on Tenn, hurry your slow ass up!" Gaku yelled.

" Oh, shut your trap, I'm coming." Tenn said as he walked down the stairs.

Gaku just smiled be laughed to himself. He was kind of proud of himself for being able to joke around with Tenn and actually have some sort of friendship with him.

"Let's go, I'm starving!" You said eagerly. You were excited to see Ryu and to hear how his photoshoot went.

You had done a few Photoshoots while with Solids in the past. They weren't exactly your favorite thing to do, but you did anything and everything you could to make sure the world knew Solids name.

You and the boys shortly made it to the photoshoot gallery where you'd be meeting with Ryu.

"'s so beautiful in here~" You said, while looking at everything your eyes could see.

"Man, Ryu sure is going to get a lot of attention from our fans after these get out in the public." Gaku said, looking around as well.

"I'm kind of jealous. I've never had a photoshoot with this much work put into it." Tenn said.

After a while of the three boys starting and soaking up the view, Ryu noticed you and the other two. "Hey guys! Over here!" He yelled out, waving at you, Gaku, and Tenn.

The three of you walked over towards Ryu. "Hey, Ryu. This set is amazing! They're doing all this for a simple drink commercial?" You asked, questioning him.

" Yeah. I was shocked myself when I saw how much work had gone into this shoot. Apparently, there's a new commercials manager and he feels 'the bigger the better' really should be broadcasted more." Ryu said, rubbing the back of his neck lightly. In all honesty, it made Ryu a little uncomfortable that the set was decked out the way it was. It seemed like a little too much to him for just a simple drink commercial.

"Is this what the rest of our shoots are going to start being like?" Tenn asked, curious.

" That's what I heard the new manager say." Ryu said bluntly.

You gave a look around one more time. You saw all kinds of colors and props around. "Yeah, I don't like it. It's too flashy and showy. It's not us at all." You stated rather harshly. While it's true you've only been with trigger for a short time, you know what kind of look the other boys and yourself represent, and this entire photoshoot wasn't it.

"Well, once I finish up here we can let the manager know tomorrow at practice and see what can be done." Ryu said, with a dad-like voice.

" Where's your dressing room at? I wanna put away the food so I don't have to carry it around while we're here." You asked Ryu. You had brought some misao soup, fresh salad, Onigiri and some baked goods.

"Oh yeah, if you go over there by the blue and purple tables, just down that hall, turn right when you get to the production closet, go down that hall and turn left. My room is the third one on the left. It should have my name on it. " Ryu said.

You looked in the direction he was pointing and followed his directions. You made it to the table, but after that you were just simply confused. You looked back at the three boys sighed.

Tenn noticed you sighing and smiled to himself. "I'll go help him. He seems confused and I don't want him getting lost." Tenn said. He walked over towards you and laughed a little. " Come on Y/N, I'll help you to his room." He said.

You nodded and followed Tenn. 'I wonder if they've ever used this place for prior photoshoots before I got here?..' you thought to yourself.

Shortly after talking with your mind, you both arrived at Ryu's dressing room. Tenn opened the door and you both walked inside. His room was very simple. A big black leather couch to the right, a work table with a big mirror behind it, the kind that those girls from the movie Berlesque have. There was a mini fridge in the corner by the couch. There was an outfit rack by the mirror.

"Ryu doesn't like to have a lot of things in his room does he?" You asked Tenn as you put the food in Ryu's mini fridge.

" No, he likes to keep things simple and organized." Tenn said, taking a seat on the leather couch.

You put away all the food and sighed in a relaxing way. "Thanks for showing me how to get here. I probably would have gotten lost." You said laughing at yourself.

" No problem, Y/N" Tenn said. He scooted over and patted the seat next to him.

You smiled a little and went and sat next to Tenn. "Don't you think we should head back? Won't they be missing us?" You asked, concerned.

Tenn shook his head, " It's fine, I promise. "

You nodded and laid back into the couch. You and Tenn relaxed for a good minute in silence.

"Hey Y/N?" Tenn asked.

"Yeah?" You said still laying back.

"I'm sorry."

"For what, Tenn?" You asked, pushing yourself up and looking at him, confused.

"For this.."

Suddenly, Tenn was on top of you pinning you down to the couch. He gripped both of your wrists and held them above your head.

"T-Tenn..what. what are you doing?" You asked, a little scared.

"Gaku isn't the only one who's interested in you, ya know." Tenn pressed his lips to yours forcefully.

IDOLiSH7 Gaku x TransMale ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now