Chapter 7

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Hey you guys it's Julian here. So I finally got completely settled into the new house and we finally got WiFi. School started up again and band is gonna start getting more and more of my time. I promise you guys now that I have WiFi at the house, I should be able to post new updates every two weeks at most. It makes me super happy that you guys love this book so much. It means so much to me. I love all you guys so very much and if you ever need anything feel free to message me💙😇


Once you and the boys finished having lunch, it was time for all four of you to go home. You were not looking forward to the car ride home. After what happened with Tenn, you would much rather hide in your room and sleep the rest of the day away. Fortunately, that was a big possibility for you.

"Hey Tenn, when we get back to the house, can I show you some of the photos from today? I wanna get some input on some things and I really value your opinion with these types of things" Ryu said, happy as always.

Tenn just nodded. He didn't even look up at Ryu as he spoke to him. He was just on his phone scrolling through whatever it was he was on.

You sat next to Ryu, across from Gaku. He had held this gaze on you the entire ride home. 'Is he trying to get me to slip up or something? Why is he looking at me like this?.... It's kinda uncomfortable, but kind' You thought to yourself.

You've always like the mysterious side of Gaku. You liked the way he presented himself. Always so dark and mysterious. And the way he speaks sometimes. The roughness his voice produced. 'Okay, enough Y/N. Before you start imagining inappropriate stuff 😜'

You smiled at Gaku and hoped that he would stop giving you that look.

Gaku smiled back and winked at you effortlessly. You couldn't help but blush a little. You tried to hide the fact that you were blushing so you hid behind your hands. He noticed your blush and smirked at you. He pulled out his phone and typed out what you assumed was a message. You heard the casual "ding" of your phone. Releasing a slight sigh, you took out your phone. You read Gaku's message.

"When we get to the house, come to my room. I have a surprise for you😉"

You looked up at him and blushed even harder. It's almost like he was trying to purposely make you blush. You looked down and answered his text.

"Why did you text me that? Could you not have said that out loud?" You asked, curious.

"No because then the boys would want to know what it is, and I'm sure they don't want to witness what I'm giving you." Gaku sent.

You immediately froze in place. 'What exactly does he plan on giving me?..' The thought of what Gaku could possibly have in store for you was quite scary. There truly was no telling what he had planned.

Just as you put your phone away, the car stopped in front of the house you and the other boys shared. You got out first, eager to get to your room and into some more comfortable clothes. You tried to open the door to the house, but realized it was locked and that you forgot your keys in your room.

From behind, you could hear Gaku chuckling at you. You gave him your famous death glare, only to realize it didn't affect him. He walked up behind you and opened the door. You made it inside and practically ran to your room.

You went to your room and closed the door. You let out a sigh, not noticing you had been holding your breath. You got out of your current clothes and put on a light blue sweater with ripped blue jeans. You took out your contacts and put your glasses on. You went out into the kitchen to get a drink. You walked passed Tenn in the process, but paid him no attention.

Once you got your drink, you made your way back to your room. On the way up the stairs, you bumped into a tall, solid, person. You tensed almost immediately, hoping it wasn't Gaku.

"oh hey Y/N. I'm sorry I didn't mean to run into you like that. Are you okay? "

It was only Ryu.

You let out a relieved sigh." It's okay Ryu. I'm fine I promise. If you need me I'll be in my room working on music and lyrics." You said with a smile.

Ryu smiled back at you with a nod and went down stairs to Tenn.

You shuffled up the rest of the stairs and went back into your room. You locked the door and plopped on your bed. You felt so exhausted and tired. You decided to take a small nap. so that's what you did. You got into your bed and layed down. Once your back hit your bed, you immediately fell asleep.


You slightly shifted to your side, which caused your ribs to shoot out in pain, and ultimately cause you to wake up. "Shit..."  You had forgotten to take off your chest binder last night and ended up sleeping in it. You had also forgotten about it once you took your nap. Which resulted in you wearing it for 24+ hours; which wasn't good.

You went into your bathroom and took the binder off. You struggled a little, since your ribs were in so much pain, but once you got the binder off your chest your ribs felt lighter in a sense. You hid your binder in the dirty clothes basket by your bathroom door. You walked passed your bed and to your mini fridge. You grabbed an ice pack and gently let it relieve your ribs.

After about 20 minutes of you icing your sides, you heard a knock at your door. You slightly panicked and rushed to your feet. 'what do I do? fuck,what do I do?!' You couldn't put your binder back on. 'Well fuck.. I'm screwed.. '

"Who Is it?" You asked, voice a little shaken.


IDOLiSH7 Gaku x TransMale ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora