Chapter 4

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A/n:Hey guys!! its Ash here. I hope you guys liked the ending to Chapter 3. I have to say it did take me a while to figure out exactly what to do with that scene but i managed. I haven't been feeling well lately and I've been going through some personal issues but you guys are what keep me going. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Thanks for all your support and love!


The Next Day

You were still in bed as the early morning sun shone through your dark blue curtains, hitting you in the face. You groaned and pulled the covers up to your face trying to block out the sun. It didn't work. You could still feel the piercing morning sun through your cover, which in the end forced you to get out of bed. The getting out of bed part wasn't the hard part, it was the actual waking up part that you had trouble with.

Last night felt as if it were a dream and you didn't want it to end, which is why you did what you did. You had kissed Gaku. You figured that with the gesture he made with your hand on his heart gave you permission to take action on your own feelings as well, since you also didn't know how to tell him how you felt.

As you sat up in bed and did your normal lazy stretching, you couldn't help but go back over the events of last night in your head.


You looked down to the ground and took a deep breath in. You exhaled and looked back up at Gaku. Gaku smiled at you, which made you blush. You took a hold of Gaku's shirt and pulled him to you.

Gaku was a bit surprised by your actions, but not completely. He had been hoping that you would tell him how you felt, but seeing as you kissed him, he wasn't upset. 

You pulled away from Gaku needing some air. As you pulled away, you expected either him or you to be embarrassed or upset. But that didn't happen. What did happen though, was that Gaku pulled you back in for another kiss, except this time it was a much more passionate kiss. The kind of kiss where you know that you're safe and that there isn't a single care in the world. The kind of kiss where you know he loves you even if he'd never say it out loud. You knew this man loved you and you knew that you loved him back just as much.

You pulled away from Gaku's kiss and smiled. You put your hand back on his chest,where his heart is, and laid your head back down on his chest. Gaku put his hand around your waist in a protective manner. It wasn't a tight or harsh hold. It was gentle and soft.


You had wondered what today would be like. You, Tenn and Gaku were meeting Ryu at his photo-shoot for lunch at 1:30 afternoon. It was currently 7:13 in the morning. Once Ryu's shoot was over, you guys would have the rest of the day off. You didn't make plans for the day except to eat lunch with the boys and hang out at the house. The house all of you stayed at wasn't what you expected it to be. The house itself was almost 3,000 sq. ft. and plus the 5 acres of land in the back of it. There were a bunch of Yoshino Cherry Blossom, Pinus densiflora and Prunus Campanella. They filled the back of the house like a maze. It was really beautiful, especially in the winter when the grounds are covered in snow and the color of the trees bounces off of the white fluffy snow. 

You stretched again before actually getting out of bed. You hopped off your full sized bed and put on your favorite house shoes that your mom had bought you a few years ago. They weren't very worn out considering how much you wear them. You put on your hoodie and went out into the kitchen as your stomach started talking to you. It wanted food - you were hungry. You laughed to yourself as you opened the fridge and got out some cream cheese, the bag of bagels and the strawberries and orange. You weren't really big on breakfast, but your stomach was making the rummblies and Fruit Bagels just sounded so good. 

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