Chapter 3

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You and the boys finished your meal in about 30-45 minutes.

"That was amazing!" Ryu said as he sat back in the chair, relaxing.

"I didn't expect to like it so much."Tenn said as he looked at his bowl. He had a sad expression on his face, as if he missed the bowl of Ramen.

"I loved it. It was so good." Gaku said smiling at you.

"See. I told you guys you would like it. " You said clapping your hands together. You couldn't help but blush a little when Gaku smiled at you. You seemed to notice that you were really the only person he genuinely smiled at.

"Well I'm going to head home. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Tenn said. He got up and left the restaurant.

"Same here. I've got a photoshoot for the Osaba Drink commercial. I'll see you all tomorrow afternoon." Ryu said smiling. He gave a slight wink at Gaku, giving him his own chance at getting to know you.

"Be safe you two." You said. You had began to warm up to the boys as a whole and not be so reserved.

You looked at Gaku and gave him a smile. You were actually kind of glad that it was just you two now. You had your chance to get to know him and you were not passing this opportunity up.

"Do you wanna go to the beach with me? I feel like that would be a great place to get to know somebody better." You asked Gaku.

"That sounds like a plan." Gaku said. He felt so awkward around you sometimes. The "Bad Boy" persona he used to portray before you showed up just seemed to be fading away and his true genuine personality was coming alive.

You smiled and paid for the meal. You gave Gaku a nod and you both got up from the table and left the restaurant. As you both stepped outside, you noticed how beautiful the night was. The sky was a perfect blend of black and blue, with the shining silver and white of the stars. The slight shuffle of the trees in the wind was so soothing to you. You couldn't help but be happy. Happy that you were a part of an amazing group with amazing people. Happy that you felt safe and that no one was going to harm this group of yours.

"So I noticed that you have an accent. You're not Japanese?" Gaku asked.

"I'm from Korea originally. I went to America when I was 4 because of my dad. He had a job offer, so we moved to the states. We we're there until I graduated high school. I took Japanese at my high school for all four years. Then once I graduated I decided to move out here and within the first 6 months of being here, I became a part of SolidS." You explained.

"What about your mom" Gaku asked.

"Her and my dad divorced when I was In high school. She couldn't take learning English in America and dad didn't care to help her. She was always stuck in the house because she couldn't take to the language change. Dad began to care only about his work and not his family. She wanted me to go with her, but I told her I wanted to stay. I had a few friends in America and I couldn't just up and leave them without any warning. So I stayed. She got the divorce and went back to Korea. Me and her still keep in touch." You said.

You couldn't help but get a little emotional. The divorce period was hard on you. You never thought your parents would stop loving each other and go their separate ways.

"I understand how you feel. At least you have her support in what you do." Gaku said, putting his hand on your shoulder gently.

"Yeah.. she would always watch the SolidS concerts and she even came to the End-Of-Year festival SolidS performed in last year." You said smiling, remembering how proud your mother was of you.

"Does she know what happened a last month?" Gaku asked concerned.

When Gaku asked the question, you had both made it to the beach. You both took off your shoes and sat them in a small chair and went closer to the water and sat down next to Gaku.

"No.. I haven't brought myself to tell her yet.. I'm afraid if I tell her, it'll make her worry more than than she already is. She's afraid that by me living here by myself, something bad is gonna happen. I tried reassuring her that I'll be fine and I can take care of myself, but she still worries." You said, looking at the ocean.

"Well she's a mom. She's gonna worry about her child no matter your age." Gaku said. His dad wasn't the most affectionate or loving person, but he did want Gaku to succeed in what he did.

"Yeah I know." You said. You still felt bad for making your mom worry so much. All she ever did was worry and you couldn't help but be that reason. But you wanted to be an Idol and do what you loved most. "Hey, Gaku?" You asked.

"Yeah, Y/N?" He asked as he looked at you.

"Do you mind.. if my head on your shoulder? I'm just really exhausted." You asked nervously.

"Yeah, sure." Gaku said without hesitation.

You smiled and laid your head down on Gaku's left shoulder. Immediately, you're whole body relaxed and gave into exhaustion. You hadn't realized how tired you were until now. Being this close to Gaku felt nice. It felt.. Right.

"Y'know Y/N. This place reminds me of you." Gaku said confidently.

"Yeah? How's that?"

"Well, take the sand for instance. It gets stepped all over and people make things out of it that eventually fall apart, but it's still here. it's still sand no matter what you do to it. People have walked all over you and knocked you down and yet you still stayed the person you are. You didn't let them defeat you. You shouldn't worry so much about your mom like that. She's proud of you and she loves you. She's a parent and she's gonna worry about you. It's her job to worry." Gaku said, resting his hand slightly on your knee.

You didn't know where this came from. Just a few hours ago, Gaku was this hard ass,bad boy who fought all the time with Tenn, and now it's like he's changed into this loving and charasmatic person.

"Gaku..I.." You said, shocked by his words.

Gaku couldn't help but blush. He didn't know he had this side to him. Y/N brought out the best in him and a more vulnerable side to him he never shows.

You turned your head to look at Gaku's face. This man in front of you made you feel something. Something that's undiscribeable to you. You felt your heart beating harder as you continued to look at his profile. The way his hair fell perfectly on his face and how he naturally had a beautiful yet mysterious look to him.

Gaku turned to look at you and smiled. He grabbed your hand and held it. "Y/N. There's something I've been wanting to tell you, but I haven't had the courage to do it."He said.

"That's okay, Gaku. Just take your time." You encouraged.

Gaku smiled as he held your hand up to his chest, right about where his heart would be. If he couldn't tell you how he felt, maybe this gesture would tell you.

You stared into his eyes and knew deep down what he was trying to tell you. You could feel his heart beating fast, and almost in sink with your own. Your eyes started to tear up the longer you stared at him and the longer he held your hand to his chest. You suddenly grip onto his shirt, tightly.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Gaku asked.

You looked down to the ground and took a deep breath in. You exhaled and looked back up at Gaku. Gaku smiled at you, which made you blush. You took ahold of Gaku's shirt and pulled him to you.

IDOLiSH7 Gaku x TransMale ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now