Megatron Vs Teenage Girl Part 2

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Introductions and First Words

Nothing could have stopped the brazen question that had come out of Jenny's mouth. In fact, its quite possible that nobody could have stopped it regardless, considering Jenny's blunt, straight-to-the-point personality. She told it like it was, and at the moment she truly did want to know who and what had intruded on her sleep. She stared the large metal beings down with every self-determined nerve that she had in her small frame. Alas, it was more of her glaring up at them than anything else. Her breath caught short when the gunmetal grey robot looked down at her with a sense of disinterest and an almost arrogant sneer on his cracked and chipped mouth, almost looking like real scars. It surprised her, even more, when he spoke back to her.

"And what do we have here?" the giant metal being said. "Oh, its a just one of those disgusting flesh-bags..."

*if you recognized that reference from Trollhunters, then you're now my best friend*

The shock that had frozen Jenny's body and mind was snapped in half as she came back from her thoughts when she'd heard the insensitive and demeaning comment that the metal titan had made about her. Anger slowly started to reverberate its way through her spine and out to the rest of her body.

"Excuse me, what exactly do you mean 'one of those fleshbags'!" she said in an annoyed tone. "Y'know I could care less who you are, but don't you dare go and say something that demeans the entire human race. Some of us are actually quite nice and very interesting, thank you very much!"

The Decepticon leader looked down at her with an almost surprised look. A worthless fleshbag human --- that was nothing more to him other than an annoying insect he could crush under his pede --- had dared to question him, the mighty leader of the Decepticons, Lord Megatron! No one dared speak to him in that tone even his own followers, knowing that if they even so much as think of attempting to have such a tone with him that they would find themselves becoming one with the Allspark in a sparkbeat! The idea of anyone disrespecting him was just a normal thing that cybertronian knew not to do, lest you wanted to earn yourself a spot on his bad side. But now that it was actually occurring, Megatron almost couldn't believe his audio receptors or optics. Out of any other being that he could think of he honestly didn't think any creature other than an Autobot or anyone who was allied with them would ever seek their doom by speaking to him in such a manner. In the least, it was now safe to say that this femme human now had his attention. 

Jenny almost smirked at her achievement when the large, imposing robot's change in demeanor after she finished speaking her thoughts, though somewhat unwillingly. She had a blunt personality and she had told it like it was and what she had said was true: the fact that yes, some humans were bad and did bad things, but most humans were kind and considerate and led honest lives. Just because there was a handful of bad apples in the bunch doesn't mean you should disregard the entire group! It was simply common sense to Jenny, as it was to most people who weren't blind to the truth. Moving on from the previous moment's events, she decided to ask them again why they were here and what they wanted. 

"So what was so important that you guys had to come here to the backwoods of a small mountain valley town in Oregon and interrupt my very important nap?" Jenny asked curiously, craning her head up to meet the big robot's gaze. 

Megatron looked down at her questioningly, with an almost curious undertone in his optics. Himself and the vehicon fliers that accompanied him were alien to her --- not to mention the fact that any of them could simply kill her as if swatting a fly --- and the human femme was demanding an explanation for why they had come here of all places and interrupted her stasis

"That is none of your concern, human," he sneered. "And you will find that it would be in your best interest to make yourself obsolete from here lest you wish to wind up as a pile of charred ash on the forest floor!"

Megatron then turned towards the Vehicon troopers who had stood there behind him albeit awkwardly and a bit in shock during the conversing between their leader and the human femme. They immediately went from comfortable stances to attention when they realized that their leader had begun to turn back around towards them. The fliers had gone from looking shocked and curious to the menacing looking troopers they were trained to be. Looking almost scared straight, they gazed ahead to their leader as he faced them. But just as Megatron had almost completely turned around, the Vehicon troopers heard the small and defiant human femme speak up once again.

"I have a name you know, and I would prefer you use that instead of 'human'..." Jenny exclaimed. 

Megatron's eye's widened and his lip plates twisted into a near snarl as he heard the human femme talk back to him once again in that defiant tone that she for some reason insisted on using that he had always loathed when directed at him. His sharp, talon-like digits curled up as he clenched his servos in annoyance. He slowly turned back to the human femme and looked down at her. 

"And why pray tell, might be your designation of any interest to me, little femme?" Megatron questioned her. 

"It really is a rather demeaning thing when you refer to someone as their species rather than by the name they were given at birth," Jenny answered immediately. "I believe in equality and the behavior you're presenting to me tells me that you don't."

Megatron looked at the human femme thoughtfully. She believed in some of the same ideals that the Decepticons did, but rather than resort to violence to achieve her goals, she seemed to seek out her goals through peace as his nemesis, Optimus Prime, did. It was admirable, he had to admit at least that. Perhaps he would indulge this strange and determined human femme...

"Very well, what is your designation little femme?" Megatron asked leaning down slightly. 

"Jenny," she responded. "What's your name? Or should I continue to refer to you as the giant-metal-robot-dude-who interrupted-my-nap?"

"You will not call me that accursed name!" Megatron objected. "You may call me "Lord Megatron" little femme Jenny."

Jenny ignored the fact that Megatron, who'd immediately been dubbed Megsy in her brain because "Megatron" was too long and boring to remember, continued to call her little femme. But, at least he added her actual name to it this time. Deciding that she had accomplished a great enough feat for mankind that night, Jenny resolved that it was time to return to her house for the night. 

"Alrighty Lord Mesgy! I have to go home now but maybe we can talk tomorrow if you come back for some reason!" she called over her shoulder as she turned around and headed down the mountain. 

Jenny would have done anything to look back at Megatron to see what his face had looked like when she'd called him "Lord Megsy". 



So how was part two of Megatron Vs Teenage girl? Tell me in the comments below plz!

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