[part 1] Optimus and a 9-Year-Old Girl

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Optimus Prime was patrolling an urban area for any sort of decepticon activity. Back at base, the Prime's Autobots were having a celebration after Bulkhead's long lost comrade, Wheeljack, had arrived on Earth. It was somewhat uneventful as he drove along the Smoky Mountain Valley route. There were occasional houses along the road and there was never once any humans outside as he passed. It was a peaceful patrol so far for Optimus, since there had been no sign of Decepticon activity in this particular area.

However, all good things come to an end eventually when, at that moment, Optimus' scanners picked up signs Decepticon activity next to an unearthed energon vein. The bot sighed to himself internally, for it was moments like this one where he might not want to investigate but he does anyway. All in a day's work in trying to end the Decepticon threat, he supposed.

Elsewhere, in a quiet suburb neighborhood belonging to the city where Optimus was ending his patrol, there was a playground that only had one sole inhabitant at that moment: a little girl with blonde pigtails who was sitting on the swing set. Gripping the metal chains holding up the swing, she swung slowly back and forth, only very tips of her tiny gray converse able to reach the ground. Jenny was her name, and she was sitting in that community playground all alone because her friends had decided that she was funny looking due to the scar over her eye and told her they wanted to stop being friends. She didn't understand of course, and when she'd told her mother what'd happened all she received in response was a pity filled gazed and a frown. Her mother had then told her to go outside and play and that's how she ended up where she currently was, all alone on a swing in an empty playground.

As Optimus was rolling along the pavement of one of the city's main roads, he's suddenly received a message over his comms that was full of static from Ratchet. The medic had been short, precise, and clear in the message: something had shown up on Ratchet's monitors in his area. Optimus sent back that he'd investigate and call for reinforcements if deemed necessary. Jenny's playground was also on the edge of a large forest that led into the smoky mountains from her small valley town. About ten minutes into the forest there was a large natural cave that she'd found one summer afternoon while exploring. Having gotten bored of the empty playground, Jenny had gotten up from her swing and stalked into the forest for some unknown reason other than she'd had some odd urge to go that mysterious cave she'd discovered.

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