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You joined overwatch for the sole reason of loneliness, everything you had was gone and in ruins since the omnic crisis occured. Your family, or what's left of it was charred without warning. Your home, reduced to rubble amoung everything else. You had but very little to keep you going through life and again very little to keep you from wanting to just sit down and waste away.

Nothing was in your favor.

During the aftermath, you did what you could to survive stealing whatever seemed it's self useful to you, occasionally you had to settle a few differences along the way but you always pulled through out of sheer luck or just quick wits. This went on for about 2 weeks when you heard sounds that weren't normal.

They were the sounds of blades whirring from above.

You saw group after group descend from the helicopter searching for survivors where ever a person could crawl into. You booted as fast as you could tears welling in your eyes, longing to be saved from this hell-hole and be brought back to civilization.

Within the same heartbeat you arrived, hands were over your body in a wholehearted hug, trying to keep your last slice of sanity alive, you were rushed hastily but tenderly inside the helicopter along with other, more familiar faces who share a space inside desperatly awaiting safety. Everything else passed as nothing more than a blur and you were in safety finally.

OKAY THATS ENOUGH OF THAT, no more depressing back story (Mah heart can't take it) so well just leave it at then and there you vowed to somehow get into that organization, whichever one it was

Reinhardt x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now