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This is a quick ish little drabble of some idea that hit me and i love it, the basis is you and rein are lawyers and have some rivalry, you defend the person in while rein goes against him, thats all im gonna say!


"Order, order in the court. This trial will now commence under the eye of judge XXX being me, Reinhardt, commence with your accusations."

Reinhardt stands up, eyeing you a challenging glance as he walks towards the middle of the room. He stands out with his imposing physique that you decently match though still shorter than him, He shifts his papers momentarily before clearing his throat in a mighty deep cough. Then he starts.

"Your honor, today we stand before you to discuss the fate of this man. The charges against him include domestic abuse, money laundering, suspected espionage and 2nd degree murder."

He give you a side smirk before he continues, you cant help but sigh hearing him so confident and cocky.

"If youll allow it we can go ahead and begin with the first-"


The judge looks at you wearily, not amused you pulled that card so early

"On what grounds (y/n)?"

"We havent had time to introduce me or my client."

It was a bull shit excuse you know it wont help your client, but seeing the look on reinhardts face was worth it

"Overulled, we all know who you are and your client so no introduction needed, proceed Reinhardt"

You eye reinhardt humorously, feeling the eerie tension rise between you so soon. He grunts amd turns away returning to his papers.

"Starting with the first accusation, the client is accused of domestic abuse towards his wife and kids. The client attacked the woman, beating her repeatedly. Then proceeding towards the children similarly beating them and depriving them of food and water for the rest of the day. He was intoxicated when he arrived-"



The judge looks at you with tiring eyes yet lets you speak.

"The defendant was intoxicated when he arrived yes but the wife had provoked him, he suffers from extremely dangerous anger issues and this same incident has happened before with the wife at fault.He has been at hard work in thearapy for the past year getting his anger issues under great control. The extent of his rage would have needed well above verbal and physical harrassment for him to lash out and i therefore conceed that this incident shouldnt be held against him on the account that the wife provoked him for an unknown reason."

The judge had been listening intently as well as the jury, even nodding off at somepoints as my points made sense with what they were detailed on, the took it pretty well. Reinhardt did not.

Looking deeper into the case you could find almost everything you needed to so the clear picture, the wife was intentionally provoking him to have evidence to sue him for what he owns and put him away in jail so she could make off with the kids and money to another country where she has her real lover waiting for a better life. Tragic but it happens.

Reinhardt knew none of this because he read only a surface level basis and didnt care to look further into it thinking it would be a good opener to his case blindly guessing he was guilt, i could tell when he read the summary word for word that misses great detail and not to mention biased.

Reinhardt looked dazed throught your whole speech and even in disbelief when he saw the jury nod with you, he looked at his papers worryingly that he may have done too little research. Though it only shows a little before he composes himself and gives you a sideways glare clearly meaning war, you only respond with a wink and a blowed kiss. It shocks him and a visible tint is showed on his face. Though the judge doesnt notice anything.

Reinhardt x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now